Primo & Boston University ELUNA MAY 2013
Boston University May Who we are… Primo & Boston University
3 May 2013
Boston University 16 Schools & Colleges 250 Fields of Study Including: Law School Medical School School of Theology May 2013Primo & Boston University 4
18,283 Undergraduates 13,677 Graduate Students 10K+ Faculty & Staff 91 Countries $2.13 Billion (2012) Operating Budget May 2013Primo & Boston University 5
The libraries… a loose federation May 2013Primo & Boston University 6
Mugar Memorial Library African Studies Library Astronomy Library Music Library Pardee Management Library Pickering Educational Resources Library Science & Engineering Library Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Pappas Law Library Medical Center Library Theology Library “Fugitive” Libraries May 2013Primo & Boston University 7
Collection breakdown Primo & Boston University 8 May 2013
Why aren’t you doing more? Primo & Boston University 9 May 2013 Demonstrating measurable outcomes Managing research data Making everything Open Access Buying more print books With less… Growing the Institutional Repository Buying more digital collections Using social media Digitizing all the books Providing better user space Buying more e-books Supporting MOOCs Providing copyright assistance
Disruption Primo & Boston University 10 May 2013 ConsolidationCommoditization UnbundlingDisintermediation
Breaking the “iron triangle” Primo & Boston University 11 May 2013 AccessCostQuality
Breaking the “iron triangle” Primo & Boston University 12 May 2013 Not just scalability… Not just sustainability… Do some things we already do much more efficiently. Doing more with less! Do new things in a scalable way. Stop doing some of the things we have always done!
Constraints … print culture of the 20 th century …the ILS we had used 25 years May 2013Primo & Boston University 13 … staff expertise
Fostering a culture of innovation… May 2013Primo & Boston University 14 Fostering a culture of change…
The politics of decision-making May 2013Primo & Boston University 15
Clearly defined criteria… Open extensible platforms… Scalable workflows… Seamless discovery and delivery mechanisms… Unbundle content and services from delivery containers… Integrate with University business & administrative systems… Collaboration; benefit from “network effect” … Platform neutral – content & services in user’s workflow Primo & Boston University 16 May 2013
A Comprehensive Discovery Platform Primo & Boston University 17 May 2013
Primo & Boston University 18 May 2013
Primo & Boston University 19 May 2013
Scalable Resource Management Primo & Boston University 20 May 2013
Exception-Based … Primo & Boston University 21 May 2013
Bringing about Organizational Change Primo & Boston University 22 May 2013
BU’s Alma Implementation Teams Primo & Boston University 23 May 2013 Coordinating Team Metadata Services Electronic Resources Fulfillment Services Business Services Acquisitions Collection Development Analytics
BU’s Implementation Teams (revised) Primo & Boston University 24 May 2013 Coordinating Team Metadata Services Electronic Resources Fulfillment Services Business Services & Acquisitions Analytics
What We Learned: leadership Primo & Boston University 25 May 2013 Coordinating Team Data Migration Team Training Services Communications Metadata Services Fulfillment Services Business Services & Acquisitions Analytics Electronic Resources
What We Learned: the good & bad Areas where we did well Strong top level administration support Support from all of the libraries Cohesive working groups Support from Ex Libris Support from IS&T Areas where we could have improved Communication Added support for functional teams without strong leadership Primo & Boston University 26 May 2013
What We Learned: managing change We didn’t need to make all the changes before go-live Some units (and some libraries) were better prepared to make changes than others. We needed to structure opportunities for staff to work together on Alma Sandbox Sessions Functional task groups We didn’t always understand the implications of configuration choices Primo & Boston University 27 May 2013
Where we are now… May 2013Primo & Boston University 28
Timeline August 2011 – Primo Go-Live April 2012 – Alma Implementation Kick-off November 2012 – Alma Go-Live Primo & Boston University 29 May 2013
Outcomes: Metrics Discovery Primo vs. Millennium OPAC User satisfaction Staff satisfaction Primo Statistics Primo & Boston University 30 May 2013
Title Searches: success w/o refinement Primo & Boston University 31 May 2013
Title Searches: success w/one refinement Primo & Boston University 32 May 2013
Outcomes: Metrics Alma Time from Order to On-Shelf (hand-offs / days) Development of Agile Workflows Managing Research Data & Digital Objects as standard services within the Libraries Cost per use, vendor statistics, etc. Primo & Boston University 33 May 2013
Next Steps Continue integrations SAP Vendors Blackboard Remote Storage Primo & Boston University 34 May 2013
Next Steps Post-migration record cleanup Continue to refine workflows Fully integrate management of digital resources Develop workflow for managing research data using Alma Develop effective measures and tools for decision- making Primo & Boston University 35 May 2013
Unbundling the value chain Primo & Boston University 36 May 2013
Primo & Boston University 37 May
What information services and resources do our faculty and students need? May 2013Primo & Boston University 38
Where do they need them? May 2013Primo & Boston University 39
Primo & Boston University 40 May 2013 Thank You Jack Ammerman Questions?