D. M. Lee, LANL 1 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Overview Technical Design Overview Design status
D. M. Lee, LANL 2 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Specifications Cover the Muon Spectrometer Acceptance – both Arms (10-35 deg) Full Azimuthal coverage – hermetic DCA resolution < 200 µ m at 5 GeV ≥ 3 space points / track Maximum Radiation Length < 2.4% Survive 10 year integrated dose = 200k Rad Low Occupancy in Au – Au Central < 10.0% Co-exist with barrel VTX Compatible with PHENIX DAQ
D. M. Lee, LANL 3 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Mechanical Combined VTX + FVTX without outer enclosure FVTX “Big Wheel” Location for all readout electronics
D. M. Lee, LANL 4 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Mechanical 4 hermetic disks, z=18.5 – 38 cm 48 wedge segments per disk ( 7.5 deg) Inner disk radius = 3.5 cm (4.5 cm active) Outer disk radius = 17 cm 75 micron strips, 550,000 strips/endcap Total power load of disks = 50 W each Power load of Readout cards= 450 W in big wheel Room temperature operation Each Endcap
D. M. Lee, LANL 5 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Mechanical Mechanical Integration with the Barrel VTX Fully integrated model
D. M. Lee, LANL 6 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Wedge Backplane (0.76mm graphite fiber composite) Screw (nylon) Pin hole (for alignment) Pin hole (for alignment) HDI Connectors for extension cables Detector FPIX Chips (26, 13 ea. side) Screw (nylon) All bonded with rigid epoxies HDI Detector FPHX Chips Backplane Rigid, thermally conductive epoxy Rigid epoxy
D. M. Lee, LANL 7 07/10/07 SensorHDI FPHX Chips (13 per column) Mini-strips are oriented to approximate an arc Forward Vertex Detector FVTX Sensor Sensor – 2 columns of strips – 1664 strips per column – strip length 2.8 to 11.2 mm – 75 µ m spacing – 48 wedges per disk (7.5˚/sensor, ~15˚/wedge) – 0.5 mm overlap with adjacent wedges FPHX Chip – 1 column readout – 128 channels – ~ 70 µ m channel spacing – Dimensions –9mm x 1.2 mm
D. M. Lee, LANL 8 07/10/07 Sensor layout R&D prototyping design Zoom in … one FPHX chip testing pads (both staged) bonding pads Guard ring Dicing edge Vaclav Vrba, Prague Thickness 300 µm Doping of starting materialn type Resistivity2-5 K -cm Wafer diameter6 “ preferred PassivationSiO or SiN
D. M. Lee, LANL 9 07/10/07 Sensor R&D A real prototype Vaclav Vrba, Prague
D. M. Lee, LANL 10 07/10/07 HDI Stack Up GND Signal Power HDI trace count 2 R/O lines x LVDS pair x 26 chips Download and Reset lines 4 2 Clocks x LVDS pair 4 1 Calibration line Forward Vertex Detector HDI-High Density Interconnect High Density Interconnect (HDI) – kapton flat cable to transfer data from the chip to the read- out electronics – 176 μm thick – 4 copper planes (ground, power, 2ea signal), 5 Kapton films, 8 glue layers HDI glue kapton
D. M. Lee, LANL 11 07/10/07 Max deflection 10.4μm Zero deflection (boundary conditions) Wedge R&D Analysis Temperature & Stress 3-D Temperature Contour Max Tº = 20.3ºC Warmest ROC Min Tº = 15ºC Warmest FPHX Chip is 5.3ºC Warmer than Back Edge of Backplane 3-D Distortion Contour
D. M. Lee, LANL 12 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Half-Disk Assembly: Details Thermally conductive Silicone Plastic inserts for screws and pins Single piece plastic insert for screws and pins Standoff plate Foam core Honeycomb core
D. M. Lee, LANL 13 07/10/07 Disk-Level R&D Modeling Thermal distortion Max deflection of detector ~8μm Fundamental vibration mode: 164 HzDistortion due to cooling
D. M. Lee, LANL 14 07/10/07 Half Cage Assembly Cooling hose (silicone) Station 1Station 2Station 3Station 4 Z Y Al Honeycomb core, C face sheets
D. M. Lee, LANL 15 07/10/07 Liquid Cooling Circuit R&D FVTX Inlet: 10°C, ~5 psig station 4: ~20.6°C Outlet plane 4: 10.3°C FVTX Outlet: 11.1°C, ~3 psig station 3: ~20.9°C station 2: ~21.2°C Outlet plane 3: 10.6°C Outlet plane 2: 10.9°C Warmest Chip, station 1: ~21.4°C
D. M. Lee, LANL 16 07/10/07 Half Cage Assembly R&D Gravity Sag (Max = 3.2µm) Drum mode shape (f=137.7 Hz)
D. M. Lee, LANL 17 07/10/07 VTX+FVTX Finite Element Model R&D First Mode: 38Hz
D. M. Lee, LANL 18 07/10/07 Assembly
D. M. Lee, LANL 19 07/10/07 Disk Detail
D. M. Lee, LANL 20 07/10/07 VTX – FVTX Integration The need began 2 years ago But we found this 2 months ago Interference!