A Personal Essay by Jean Pierre Benoit Bonne Annee A Personal Essay by Jean Pierre Benoit
Bonne Annee French “Happy New Year” Watch for expressions which tell how the author feels about the country where he was born and how he feels about the country where he now lives.
Vocabulary predominate (as a verb) synonyms: verb be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount. have or exert control or power. Kreyol predominates, but enough is said in French and English for me to follow. (line 10) synonyms:
Port Au Prince The capital of Haiti
THE METS A professional baseball team from New York City
coup The sudden overthrow of a government by a group of people. It is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
persecution hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs
dispossess To deprive (someone) of something that they own, typically land or property.
‘bebe’ French word for “baby”
natal of, relating to, or present at birth