Treatment month Adjusted mean change in IPSS from baseline (ITT, LOCF) Tamsulosin Dutasteride Combination Adapted from Roehrborn et al. J Urol 2008;179: CombAT Primary End Point Mean Change in IPSS from Baseline
Treatment month Adjusted mean change in Q max (mL/sec) from baseline (ITT, LOCF) P<0.001 combo vs. tamsulosin P<0.006 combo vs. dutasteride TamsulosinDutasteride Combination Adapted from Roehrborn et al. J Urol 2008;179: CombAT - Secondary End Point: Mean Change in Q max from Baseline
Adapted from Barkin et al. BJU Int 2009 Feb 23 [Epub ahead of print]. CombAT Change in BII Score at Two Years
Adapted from Barkin et al. BJU Int 2009 Feb 23 [Epub ahead of print]. CombAT Change in IPSS Q8 Score at Two Years