1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Circulatory System Body Systems Nervous System Kingdom Animalia Cells to Organism
2 What is the main functions of the circulatory system?
3 Transportation system that moves substances (O 2 & CO 2 ) from one part of the body to the other
4 What travels along ateries? Along veins?
5 Arteries: oxygen rich blood Veins: oxygen poor blood (waste)
6 What are the tiny blood vessels where substances are exchanged between blood & cells? How big are they?
7 Capillaries; Very tiny only 1 cell thick usually
8 Label the parts of the heart. Which parts receive blood which parts pump blood out?
9 Atrium: receive blood Ventricles: pump blood out
10 What separates the 4 chambers of the heart? What are the 2 separate pumps in your body?
11 Septum; Pulmonary & Systemic systems
12 What is the main function of the respiratory system?
13 To exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide between blood, the air, & tissues
14 What is the main function of the integumentary system? What makes up this system?
15 To protect; skin, hair, nails, sweat/sebaceous glands
16 What 3 systems other than nervous begin to work harder when an individual begins to exercise?
17 Muscular, Circulatory & Respiratory
18 What can cause an increase in someone’s blood pressure?
19 The person may be nervous or active has a lot of salt in diet, no exercise
20 At rest, for example when you are sleeping what system is ensuring you wake up the next day?
21 Autonomic nervous system
22 What is the basic unit of the nervous system? Label the 3 parts?
23 Neuron; cell body, axon & dendrites
24 Label the Structures A. B. C.
25 A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Pons
26 Label the Lobes Pink, Blue, Yellow & Green
27 Pink- frontal Blue - parietal Yellow - temporal Green - occipital
28 What are the 2 parts of the nervous system?
29 Central – brain & brain stem Peripheral – nerves, ganglia & other nerve cells
30 Label the structures A. B. C.
31 A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla Oblongata
32 All animals have what characteristics in common?
33 Multicellular, Eukaryotic (no cell wall), heterotrophic
34 What cells are responsible for transferring oxygen throughout your body?
35 RBC – red blood cells
36 When you or any other animal run you begin to pant. Explain why this is true.
37 Increase cellular respiration; other animals may do it because they have no sweat glands & they need to cool down
38 What is a stroke? What causes a stroke?
39 Loss of oxygen to part of the brain; a blood clot in the brain.
40 During a heart attack what type of blood vessel is blocked? How did this happen?
41 Arteries; high diet of cholesterol.
42 What are the 4 types of tissue? What is the main function of each?
43 Epithelial – cover interior/exterior walls Nervous – sense, respond to stimuli Connective – support & protect Muscle - move
44 List the levels of organization in multicellular animals
45 Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
46 What is homeostasis? List one way your body keeps it.
47 Internal balance; body temperature, heart rate
48 Animals can be split into 2 main groups which are ______ no back bone & ______ with a backbone.
49 Invertebrates & Vertebrates
50 What is astheroscelerosis? How can it be prevented?
51 Build up of plaque on artery walls can eventually cause complete blockage & cause a heart attack; High fiber/grain diet decrease amount of red meat that is high in cholesterol