Le corps Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body Use wordref.com Label the head Look at the presentation & copy down new vocabulary C’est quelle partie du visage? 1.Les cheveux 2. Les yeux 3. L’oeil 4. La bouche 5. Les oreilles 6. Les dents 7. La peau 8. Le nez (skin)
La tête Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le cou Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le bras
La main Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le doigt Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
La jambe Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le pied La patte Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
La tête Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le cou Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le bras
La main Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le doigt Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
La jambe Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
Le pied La patte Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
C’EST LA JAMBE? ouinon Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
C’EST LA TÊTE? non oui Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
C’EST LA TÊTE? non oui Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? C’est le bras C‘est la jambe Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
C’est la mainC‘est le pied QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
C’est la main C‘est le doigt QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? C’EST... C‘est le pied Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? C’EST... C‘est la patte Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body
QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST? C’EST... C‘est le cou Objective: to be able to name some parts of the body