How BIG is the Universe? A Photographic Tour
Apollo 17 Lunar Rover (scale: a few metres)
Space Shuttle, Columbia (scale: 100 metres)
Barringer Crater, Arizona 1.2 km diam, 200 m deep caused by 50 m diam asteroid travelling at 11 km/s
Earth (diam 12,756 km)
Cloud covered Venus (0.95 Earth diameters)
Mercury (0.38 Earth diameters)
The Moon (0.27 Earth diameters)
The Sun diam 1.4 million km or 109 Earth diameters, distance 150 million km or 1 astronomical unit (AU)
Mars - the Red Planet (0.53 Earth diam)
Orbits of the planets to scale
Asteroid Gaspra (20 km long)
Jupiter and its Great Red Spot 11.2 Earth diam, distance 5.2 AU
Jupiter and its four largest moons Io Europa Ganymede Callisto
Saturn and its beautiful rings 9.4 Earth diam distance 9.6 AU
Uranus, the tilted planet 4.0 Earth diam distance 19.2 AU
Neptune 3.9 Earth diam distance 30.1 AU
Pluto and Charon - a double planet 0.18 and 0.09 Earth diam 1.54 Earth diam apart distance from Sun varies between 29.7 and 49.4 AU
Comet Hale-Bopp in March 1997 A comet tail can be over 1 AU long, but its nucleus measures only a few km across
Comet Halley and the Milky Way
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy 15 million light years away and similar to the Milky Way
How the Milky Way might look seen edge-on 160 million light years Sun
Sombrero Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light years away - most distant naked eye object)
Giant Elliptical Galaxy M87 in Virgo Cluster 50 million light years away
Virgo Cluster of Galaxies 1500 galaxies 9 million light years across 50 million light years away
Hubble Deep Field showing galaxies over 10 billion light years away (looking back in time to near the beginning of the universe)
How the Milky Way might look seen edge-on 160 million light years Sun
The Milky Way as seen from Australia (Notice the pink nebulae where new stars are forming)
Orion Nebula (a small star forming region about 1 light year across)
The constellation of Orion and the Milky Way (The bright stars we see here are no more than a few hundred light years away) Betelgeuse Rigel Orion Nebula
Betelgeuse - a Red Supergiant star (big enough to reach the orbit of Jupiter)
Helix Planetary Nebula (1.5 light years across) White dwarf star (remains of core of star and about size of the Earth) Planetary nebula (remains of outer layers of star)
Crab Nebula a supernova remnant - remains of a star that exploded 10 light years across neutron star about 10 km across is at centre (not visible)
A Black Hole (a black hole 10 times the Sun's mass would have a "radius" of only 30 km)
The End