Stars, galaxies and planets Dept. of Physics, Bangalore University Bangalore B. A. Kagali
Round Earth
The night sky
Rotating stars
December sky
Orion constellation
Open cluster
Globular cluster
Deep field
Galaxy edge
Dust lanes in the galaxy
Celestial sphere
Solar image
Solar carona
Cross section of the sun
The solar system
Orion nebula
Eagle nebula
In visible light
In infrared
Birthplace of stars: Molecular Clouds Ophiuchus Giant Molecular Cloud (by Loke Tan)
Formation of stars
‘Isolated’ Star Formation M.Hogerheijde1998, after Shu et al. 1987
Dust lanes
Visible and IR images
Emerging jets
Young stellar objects
Pleides cluster stars
Path on HR diagram
Paths vs. masses
Formation of sun
H R diagram
M N Saha
Adult stars
Small mass star evolution
Red giant's size
Sirius A and Sirius B
S Chandrasekhar
Planetary nebula
Another planetary nebula
Neutron star formation
Structure of massive stars
Formation of a nova
Supernova formation
Aftermath of SN explosion
Crab nebula
Crab nebula radiation
A pulsar
Supernova radiation
End stages of stars
Light near a black hole
SN in another galaxy
Spiral galaxy
Sombrero galaxy
A galaxy cluster
Our solar system
Pluto and Charon
A comet
Craters on earth
“ The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible !!” …Albert Einstein