The Failure of European Defence Community and of European Political Community cmd History of European Integration 2012-2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The Failure of European Defence Community and of European Political Community cmd History of European Integration

European Defence Community (René Pleven plan) Basis of: -Korean war (25 June July 1953) -American call to rearm Germany (Sept. 1950, New-York Conference – D. Acheson, E. Bevin, R. Schuman) (America is ready to send more troops in Europe only beside on European troops, German troops included)

European Defence Community (René Pleven plan) French opposition to American call: René Pleven plan (a Schuman plan in defence field) Characteristics: -establishment of an integrated European army, composed by ECSC members, Germany included (!Germany cannot establish a national army!); -French troops = German troops -common staff -European army have to be subordinated to NATO staff and surveyed by an independent organisation, established by all Member States;

European Defence Community (René Pleven plan) 28 May 1952: signature of the EDC Treaty 30 August 1954: rejection by French National Assembly Failure causes: -incapacity to renounce to a part of national sovereignty; -structure of French National Assembly (gaullist majority) French communists’ opposition to rear Germany; -internal disputes between French socialists and radicals; -international more calm situation (Korean armistice; Stalin’ death; end of war from Indochine following to the Geneva Accords, at July 21, 1954)

European Political Community Proposed in 1952 as a (federal) solution for ECSC and EDC progress (the political role of the Council of Europe seemed ever unrealisable); P. H. Spaak influence Supranational characteristics -Bicameral Parliament (elected by universal vote, composed by the representatives of national parliaments); -European Executive Council, collegial body responsible toward the above-mentioned Parliament; its president had to be elected by the Senat of the above-mentioned Parliament; -Council of Ministers, intergovernmental institution, composed by the representatives of national governements (decisional body, beside of Executive Council);

European Political Community Role: to immerse, in the next 2 years, ECSC, EDC, to coordinate (by the Executive Council) the High Authority of ECSC; Attributions -foreign policy and defence; -economic and social integration; -respect of human rights; -to coordinate the foreign policy of Member States and to create a common economic market;

Failure of EPC Causes : disinterest of Member Countries and lack of any meeting of their Foreign Affairs Ministers; -the unfavorable period when project was initiated; -lengthy diplomatic negotiations; -failure to adopt EDC by French Parliament; *EPC is the first initiative to provide the European integrity at supranational level, not by the government of member states; it was the institutional corollary of EDC;

European Economic Community 1955, Conference of Messina: relaunching of ECSC and Common Market; -Benelux’ initiative to create a common economic market (Spaak Report on common market and the market of nuclear energy); March 25, 1957: Treaty of Rome (based on Spaak Report) -EEC -EURATOM -ECSC

European Economic Community Common Market meant: -merging of national markets in a given deadline; -establishing collective tools and methods to put it into practice; -forbidden of the dumping and holding practices; -diminishing the national protectionism; -cooperation of Member States in order to obtain monetary stability, economic development and social welfare;

European Economic Community Methods to create Common Market -by eliminating the internal tariffs and custom barriers; -by establishing common external tariffs and common internal regulations; -by eliminating the national derogations in economic laws; -by adopting specific taxes and social laws; -by the free movement of labor and capital;

European Economic Community Stages of Common Market : reducing the internal custom taxes with at least 25%, increasing of import limits with at least 60%, harmonising custom legislation; : reducing with 25% the internal custom taxes, increasing with 80% of import limits, reducing with 30% of the differences between national and common custom tariffs; : complete elimination of internal custom taxes, of internal import limits; general application of common custom tariffs; free movement of individuals and goods;

European Economic Community Common Market attributions -realising a custom and tariffs union, of a common trade policy; -to provide the free movement of services, goods, capitals and individuals; -to harmonise national legislations; -to establish common policies in the fields of agriculture and transportation; -collaboration with non-European markets.

European Economic Community Results of emerged Common Market -1970: Community trade increased sixfold; exchanges of EEC with thiers increased threefold; EEC’ NBP (pnb) will increase with 70%; -emergence of CAP (establishment of common market for some agricultural goods) -social policies: of European Social Fund;

EURATOM Treaty Objectives: -establishing the necessary framework to survey the development of the new type of energy and industry, the researches in the field of, Common actions in the field of: -development and improvement of industrial technologies; -free movement of experts; -common norms of protection for the workers; -common norms concerning research and dissemination of knowledge, and nuclear security; -establishment of a common market of nuclear energy; France, 1966, fail of integrator character of EURATOM

EEC Institutions Ministerial Council (FP ministries or others; the main coordinator of economic common policies; Votes: 10-UK, Fr, Ge, It; 5-Be, Nl; 3-Dk, Ir; 2-Lu) Executive Commission (to elaborate the common norms and policies; to survey the achievement of common norms and treaties and of the policies elaborated by Ministerial Council and other common institutions) Court of Justice (decided on the legal character of different common norms and policies) European Parliament

EEC Difficulties. Crisis of empty chair (Jun. ’65-Jan. ’66), followed by “Luxembourg compromise” Ch. de Gaulle German left opposition ******* European Free Trade Association/EFTA ()