World War II had positive and negative effectst hat impacted the countries that fought in the war. World War II started with a unexpected invasion on September Germany attacked Poland sparking the start of World War II. Within a week Britain and France wanted war with Germany. This is how the great battle began.
World War II was an extraordinary war that was the most deadly conflict in history. Over seventy million casualties occurred. World War II was separated by two teams referred as the Allies and the Axis. The Allies side was made up the following countries Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom, China, Poland, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Yugoslavia, Norway, The Axis side was made up of the following countries Germany, Japan,
Hungry, Italy, Romania, Finland, Thailand, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia. There were many famous leaders in World war II. The famous Allies leaders Joseph Stalin, Georgy Zhukov, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Marshall, Winston Churchill, Alan Brooke, Chiang Kai- shek, and Charles de Gaulle. The Famous Axis leaders were Adolph Hitler, Wilhelm Keitel, Higeki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, Miklos Horthy, Ion Antonescu.
There were many killed in WWII. The total casualties and losses for the Allied were over 61, The Total causalities and losses for the Axis were over 12, Many families lost their loved ones. It was devastating for many families to loose their fathers, sons and husbands.
One of the positive effects of WWII was that it stimulated the United States economy by giving jobs to millions of people. The war was one of the reasons the Great Depression ended. For example, farmers in our country would make 8 billion a year. When WWII struck they made 20 billion a year. Women began to make money by working in factories to build airplanes, ships, tanks, etc. These women were given an opportunity to work and make money that would have never had the chance to work if the war was not started.
Although there were many deaths the victory by the Allies stopped the enemies from spreading their rule and beliefs. Also, America became recognized as a world leader due to the war.