Hate Incidents and Crimes Rotherham Vulnerable Persons Unit
Definition “Any criminal offence/non crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity”.
Hate Crime? REMEMBER: A victim of a hate crime or non-crime hate incident does not have to be a member of a minority group or someone considered to be vulnerable. Anyone can be a victim of a hate crime or non-crime hate incident. The perception is that of any person. All hate crimes and non-crime hate incidents have the potential to develop into Critical Hate incidents.
Types of Abuse Abuse, name calling, assault, blackmail, harassment, intimidation, bullying or exploitation are all forms of hate crime and we encourage these to be reported.
Blocks to Reporting Many victims are scared to report incidents, or talk to anyone about their experience! Victims are very often from minority groups. For example, LGBT, disabled people or an ethnic minority background.
Pilkington Case The findings from the Pilkington case highlighted the need to stop Hate Crime! South Yorkshire Police & Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council are committed to tackling these kind of issues!
What to Consider Verbal abuse, threats, bullying, harassment, attacks Damage to property Repeat victimisation Any other potential vulnerability characteristics.
Why Report? Without reports of incidents South Yorkshire Police cannot bring offenders to justice & support victims. Specific impact and risk to individual and community. Priority response.
The Most Vulnerable We strongly suspect that people with learning and physical disabilities and mental ill health are frequently targeted for hate crimes And the least likely to report incidents to anyone.
Why Your Service? Support workers are very often the first who may find out what’s happening Be alert to comments from individuals which may lead to them telling you the whole story.
Reports Can we accept anonymous reports from people? Yes you can, however please encourage people to leave their contacts details, so that the report can be followed up.
How to report Police – in an emergency call 999 or 101 for non emergencies Discuss your organisation’s process with your manager See Hate Crime booklet
Rotherham Vulnerable Persons Unit Contact details: VPU address Telephone PC Nick Knowles Sgt Glyn Shakespeare Carol Adamson (RMBC)