Leicestershire’s Community Safety Resource and Training Hub A quick guide
Resource Hub Developed to assist partnerships in meeting the hallmarks of effective practice. On-line training on subjects as a foundation for partnership working in community safety. Sharing information and resources. Other functions – message boards, calendar, profiles.
/safer_communities-2 LSCSB pages – contain a link to the Hub.
Ensure Perpetuity Training is selected. Insert Username and Password that you obtain from itslearning.com.
Homepage Navigate around the site using the menu on the side.
Current Modules Problem Solving Offender Management Performance Management Information Sharing Hallmarks Domestic abuse Hate Crime Alcohol Misuse Community Engagement
Test your knowledge When you have completed a module, ensure you have taken in the key learning objectives by taking a quick quiz.
Use it for training staff All courses are available as Powerpoint presentations which can be used for staff training sessions.
Resource Hub – Going forwards Constantly keeping content up to date Developing further modules Use it Feed back how we can further develop it.
Obtaining login details If you have not already received login details, or have any enquiries, please John Fisher on or telephone