Trends in the city – community safety Salford Partnership Executive Group 18 th December 2012 Reducing Crime IN Salford
How are we doing? All crime down 15% Domestic burglary down 16%, on target for 1% reduction this year Vehicle crime down 13% but still high compared to GM Violent crime down 11%, on target for 2.5% reduction this year Hate crime reporting on the increase Adult re-offending rate of 8.69%, compared to a GM rate of 9.56% 72.4% of respondents are satisfied that the police and local council are dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime 87% are satisfied with the police service – Salford the only division to achieve this Reducing Crime IN Salford
But challenges remain Third highest all crime rate across GM authorities Second highest vehicle crime rate after Manchester Over 40% of GM gun crime this year occurred in Salford Perceptions of anti-social behaviour are high Salford remains the 13 th most deprived local authority area in the country Increase in demand Impact of austerity measures Reducing Crime IN Salford
Other indicators of need/demand on services Over 50 organised crime groups operating from Salford National profile - Ending Gang and Youth Violence project and Troubled Families Programme Growth of MediaCity UK – security and counter terrorism risks Community cohesion Reducing Crime IN Salford
Local risks/threats Entrenched hotspots – High Street Estate Potential for disorder Reducing re-offending Protecting vulnerable people Violence and young people Perceptions and community cohesion Reducing Crime IN Salford
The way forward Engagement with the Police and Crime Commissioner programme Maximise opportunities within the new landscape of health commissioning Strengthen partnership working Effective use of new legislative ‘toolkit’ Reducing Crime IN Salford