Lesson 13 Conflict Resolution Skills
Conflicts Occur everyday Within relationships – family, school, community Within yourself – centering on needs and values Involves strong emotions that could help or hinder your judgment
What is “conflict?” A disagreement between two or more people or between two or more choices. Four types of conflict Three conflict response styles
Types of Conflict Intrapersonal conflict: occurs within a person Interpersonal conflict: occurs between two or more people Intragroup conflict: occurs between people that identify themselves as belonging to the same group. Intergroup conflict: between two or more groups of people.
What is a conflict response style? A pattern of behavior a person demonstrates when a conflict arises
Conflict Response Styles Conflict avoidance: a person avoids disagreement at all costs. Conflict confrontation: a person attempts to settle a disagreement in a hostile, defiant, and aggressive way. Conflict resolution: a person uses conflict resolution skills to resolve a disagreement.
Conflict Resolution Skills Steps that can be taken to settle a disagreement in a responsible way. A person remains rationale and in control when having disagreements with others. Good listening skills involved Look for the win-win situation
10 Steps in Conflict Resolution Remain calm Set the tone Define the conflict Take responsibility for personal actions Use I-message to express needs and feelings Listen to needs and feelings of others List and evaluate possible solutions Agree on a solution Keep your word & follow the agreement Ask for assistance of trusted adult if the conflict can not be resolved
Using Mediation Mediation: A process in which an outside person helps people in conflict reach a solution. Mediator: a person who helps people in conflict reach a solution.
8 steps with mediation A mediator is agreed upon Set ground rules Define the conflict Identify solutions to the conflict Evaluate suggested solutions Negotiate a solution Write and sign an agreement Schedule a follow up meeting
Avoid discriminatory behavior Discriminate: to treat some people or groups of people differently from others. Prejudice: suspicion, intolerance, or irrational hatred directed at an individual or group. Hate crime: a crime motivated by prejudice. This type of behavior divides people. People believe they are treated unfairly.
Show respect for ALL people. You must avoid doing this type of behavior You must challenge others who do this type of behavior to not do it
6 Ways to Avoid Discriminatory Behavior Challenge stereotypes: a prejudice attitude that assigns a specific quality or characteristic to all people who belong to a particular group. Create synergy through diversity. –Synergy: positive outcome that occurs when different people cooperate and respect one another and create more energy for all. –Diversity: the quality of being different or varied.
Show empathy for all people. –Empathy: the ability to share in another person’s emotions or feelings. Avoid discriminatory comments. Ask others to stop discriminatory behavior. Learn about people who are different from you.