Robust Optimization and Applications in Machine Learning
Time-series prediction via linear least-squares
Predicted output
Properties of solution
Non-linear prediction and kernels
Properties of solution
What is a kernel, anyway? SVM, LR, LS, MPM, PCA, CCA, FDA…
Example: 2 nd -order polynomial kernel
A classical way to use kernels
Transduction framework
Important property of kernel matrices
Kernel optimization in least-squares
Kernel optimization for least-squares
Kernel optimization via SDP or SOCP
A non-classical way to use kernels
Kernel optimization in other problems
Kernel optimization in SVM classifiers
Kernel optimization in SVM classifiers (cont’d)
Link with robust optimization
Kernel optimization and data fusion mRNA expression data upstream region data (TF binding sites) protein-protein interaction data hydrophobicity data sequence data (gene, protein)
Example of a Kernel for Genomic Data: Pairwise Comparison Kernel
protein 2 Example of a Kernel for Genomic Data: Linear Interaction Kernel
Exampe of a Kernel for Genomic Data: Diffusion Kernel
Learning the Optimal Kernel K
Integrate constructed kernels Learn a linear mix Large margin classifier (SVM) Maximize the margin
Yeast Protein Function Prediction
MRF SDP/SVM (binary) SDP/SVM (enriched) Yeast Protein Function Prediction
MRF SDP/SVM (binary) SDP/SVM (enriched) Yeast Protein Function Prediction
Part 3: summary