W HERE WE WERE SPRING 2011 CIO C ONFERENCE 7 State-wide Themes identified to be used as Foundation for CIO Action Plan
1.Deregulation 2.Leveraging statewide economies of scale 3.Creating seamless transition between K-12 to CCC to CSU/UC 4.Building leadership capacity 5.Engineering a true statewide CCC system 6.Creating new budget solutions within the existing system 7.Maintaining a focus on student success
R EFINEMENT : SUMMER 2011 H UMMINGBIRD R ETREAT 7 themes clustered into 4 focus areas 1. Seamless transitions 2. Building leadership 3. Working within the system 4. Engineering a new statewide system
S TRATEGIES H UMMINGBIRD SUPPORTED FROM THE SSTF EARLY WORK Common diagnostic assessment tool. Portable for students, with a goal toward common cutoffs. Efficient, cheaper. Placement – mandatory placement. Have to take class if have goal with math and English in it. Start remediation in first year. Mandatory SEPs with exceptions for some students with tentative career goal career assessment. Need to keep it up to date. Pre-requisites – highly recommend having pre-reqs on college-level GE courses. Pathways (defined sequence of courses leading to goal) that are linked to SEPs– 12-unit plan for basic skills students. First year experience, cohorts, sequences.
S TRATEGIES H UMMINGBIRD SUPPORTED FROM THE SSTF EARLY WORK, CONT. Software that is essentially degree audit used statewide and ability to schedule based on student needs. Credit funding to two levels below with unified plan for adult ed with partners which may include different models of learning. Credit/non-credit and levels – funding issue. Support freshman experience Excellence in teaching is key to student success – support best practices in professional development. Revisit flex regulations before talking about accountability. Work with K-12 to maximize seamless transition. Look at similar type of SB 1440 guaranteed transfer with UCs.
H OW DO OUR FOUR FOCUS AREAS COMPARE TO THE 22 SSTF RECOMMENDATIONS ? 1. Seamless transitions 1.1 Collaborate with K-12; 2.1 Common assessment; 2.2 Required assessment, orientation, SEP; 2.4 assess for college readiness and require student success course; 2.5 Require a program of study early; 3.4 Require basic skills in first year.
2. Building leadership 6.1 Build a continuum of strategic professional development opportunities. 3. Working within the system 7.1 Strong CCC system office; 8.1 Consolidate categoricals; 8.2 Student Support Initiative. 4. Engineering a new statewide system 8.3 Alternative funding mechanism 11 out of 22 recommendations relate directly
NEXT STEPS CIOs will discuss and review SSTF recommendations Prioritize those important to CIOs Support or oppose Develop rationale where appropriate Present to SSTF