E-Government in Public Libraries American Library Association Annual Conference Washington DC Nancy Fredericks, E-Government Services Manager Pasco County Library Cooperative June 26, 2010
Dedicated Computers Extended Time Limits
E-Government Policy
Legal Issues (Florida) Provide verbal and written disclaimers (especially as part of Internet user agreement – click through on all library computers) Refrain from helping users fill out forms that require co-signatures (e.g. Florida family court forms that require signatures by person who helps user fill out form - that comes with a requirement to keep the forms for six years) Do not select forms for users - okay to help them use an index of forms, but selection is up to user (per Florida Bar Association unauthorized practice of law) Refrain from typing in personal information, particularly social security numbers and passwords Report submitted to Florida State Library by Mary Minow
Statistics (librarian logs)
Promotion & Information Lists of commonly accessed websites, what to bring when completing forms
PCLS Website (E-Government)
PCLS E-Government Blog
PCLS E-Government Tools Page
Programs & Partnerships Florida Department of Children & Families (Food Stamps)
Programs & Partnerships 211- United Way
Programs & Partnerships Social Security Administration
Programs & Partnerships Career One-Stop Centers
Programs & Partnerships Outreach to the Underserved
Programs & Partnerships Access to Justice-Legal Aid
Contact: Nancy Fredericks Pasco County Library System