Introduction Well drained upland field with sandy loam soil near irrigation source is selected for bed preparation. 500m 2 nursery produces seedling sufficient for 1 ha field. Beds m wide and length depending upon the slope and structure of soil are made. Raised beds are ideal if the soil is clayey. Wet bed, dry bed and SRI Nursery are the three major methods of raising rice seedlings in a nursery.
Nursery Site Selection: Nursery should be located away from electric light as they attract insects at night. Location: Near irrigation source, leveled, and convenient for cultural operations and free from stubbles, stones, etc. Soil Characters: Fertile, rich in organic matter, free from soil borne pathogens, nematodes, pests and weed seeds.
Land Preparation Dry Nursery: Summer ploughing reduces the water requirement for initial land preparation. Flood the field 1 or 2 days before ploughing Wet Nursery: Add organic manures as needed. Irrigate, plow, puddle and level the field SRI Nursery: Seedlings raised in egg boxes filled with medium is advantageous but conventional wet beds can be used. The addition of organic manure is advisable.
Puddling for wet nursery Land preparation for dry rice nursery Land Preparation
Seed Bed Preparation for Dry nursery Raised beds of 120 cm wide, 15 cm high and any convenient length should be prepared with a channel half a meter wide all round them to facilitate drainage. 30kg FYM must be added in 15 m2 nursery bed. Fig. Seed bed for dry rice nursery
Seed Bed Preparation for Wet Nursery Leveling of seed bed surface Seedbeds are 2.5m wide and 8-10m long depending on soil and slope. 30cm wide drainage channels are dug around seedbeds. Collect the puddled soil from channel and spread it on the seedbeds so as to raise them. Level surface of seedbeds so that water drains into the channels.
Seed Bed Preparation for SRI Nursery Raising seedlings in egg boxes filled with vermicompost or organic manure is also advantageous. Conventional wet beds are commonly used for raising seedlings by SRI method. Addition of organic manure before sowing is advisable.