Odyssey, Books Homecoming!
Book XIII Phaeacians leave Odysseus sleeping near the cave of the nymphs – What happens to their ship as they return home? What is Odysseus’ first reaction when he wakes up? Athene visits him. What does their exchange tell you about life at that time and about their relationship?
Athene reveals to Odysseus that he is standing in Ithaca. She gives him a plan and a disguise. What are they?
Book XIV Odysseus at the hut of Eumaeus Who is Eumaeus? Is he a good man? How is his quality shown?
Odysseus gives a long tale of woe to explain his appearance. What does his story tell you about the culture of the time?
Book XV Athene engineers Telemachus’ return What instructions does she give him? Eumaeus tells his own story to Odysseus What do you learn about the culture from Eumaeus’ tale?
Two omens for Telemachus’ return Eagle bearing a huge goose – as Telemachus is leaving Sparta. Helen interprets the omen as Menelaus is thinking. “Just as this bird seized the goose reared in our home…so Odysseus who has suffered many ills and wandered much will return homeward and do vengence.” Hawk carrying and plucking a dove--as Telemachus lands on Ithaca. Theoclymenos reads the omen to Telemachus, “There is no other descent more royal than yours in the land of Ithaca. You are the strongest always.”
Book XVI Reunion of Odysseus and his son Athene reveals Odysseus to his Telemachus How do they make up their plan?