Welcome to Foundation Stage! Staff - Mrs Julie Mills (Headteacher) Mrs Catherine Somerfield (Nursery Teacher) Mrs Charlotte Lightowler (Reception Teacher) Mrs Carole Wilby (Nursery Nurse) Mrs Michelle Handley (Nursery Nurse) Mrs Jill Fisher (Teaching Assistant) Pinders Primary School Eastmoor Road Wakefield
Foundation Stage at Pinders Primary At our school nursery (Joeys) and reception (Kangaroos) children are taught together in a Foundation Stage unit. At any point in the year there can be up to 26 nursery children and 30 reception children – although they are split into small key worker groups of around 13 to 15 for register, carpet activities etc. Throughout their time in Foundation Stage children are given the opportunity to learn through play inside and outside using our well resourced areas of continuous provision (sand, water, paint etc.) alongside focused adult led activities. The Curriculum In Foundation Stage we follow the statutory framework for children aged 0 to 5 called the Early Years Foundation Stage. The curriculum is split into 7 areas of learning – 1.Communication & Language 2.Physical Development 3.Personal, Social & Emotional Development 4.Literacy 5.Mathematics 6.Understanding the World 7.Expressive Arts and Design At the end of Foundation Stage children are assessed using the Foundation Stage profile. Please always keep a look out on the curriculum display near the main door for further information.
Starting Nursery Admissions to nursery are organised through the school. Please make sure your child’s name is down on the waiting list. Our nursery is often full therefore we can never guarantee when a place will become available. We will write to you to inform you when a place is available for your child and then we will carry out a home visit. Following a home visit your child will be given a visit date and a start date for nursery. The visit will last around 30 minutes and is a chance for you to explore our classroom with your child. On your child’s start date they will be left at nursery for 1 hour at first to see how they settle. We will gradually increase the time until they are staying for the full 3 hours. Clothing In Nursery children do not have to wear school uniform. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We do play outside every day and your child will normally need a jacket or coat. In summer please bring a sun hat and apply sun cream when necessary. We suggest that you dress your child in clothes that are easy to move around in, and that he/she can fasten and unfasten independently when going to the toilet. Please make sure that clothes worn to school can be washed easily. For safety reasons please do not send your child in jewellery (including earrings) or unsuitable shoes. Your child’s visit date is – ____________________________ __ Your child’s start date is – ____________________________ __ Morning Nursery 8.45 – Afternoon Nursery – 3.00 Although we will try to give you your preferred session we can never guarantee a morning or an afternoon place.
Starting Reception Admissions to reception are organised through the local authority – even if your child comes to our nursery you still have to apply to the local authority for your child’s place in reception. You will receive a letter from the local authority advising you when your child is due to start full time school (usually the September before they turn 5). You will then be invited to a welcome meeting in school to go through all the information you need to know. Uniform When children are in reception they are asked to wear our school uniform. Girls – navy blue skirt or trousers, white polo shirt, school jumper or cardigan. Boys – grey trousers, white polo shirt and school jumper. In reception children will also need an indoor and outdoor PE kit: Indoor – navy blue shorts or leggings and white t-shirt. Outdoor – trainers, navy blue track suit and t-shirt. The school day – Reading books & homework In reception children will begin to bring home reading books and homework books. There will be a meeting shortly after your child has stared reception which will go through the homework and reading scheme with you. All children will need a book bag when they start in reception. These can be bought from the main office. School dinners All children in Reception are offered a free healthy school lunch. This is funded directly to school from the government. Your child will have a choice of up to 4 main meals to choose from each day which meet the government healthy food criteria. We encourage parents to support their child in making their lunch choices by choosing a corresponding meal band.
General Information Illness & head lice If your child is ill please phone the main school office on to let us know what is wrong. If your child suffers from sickness or diarrhoea they must be off school for at least 48 hours to ensure they have got rid of the bug completely. Please check your child’s hair regularly for head lice and inform a member of staff if you have any unwelcomed visitors! Contributions Children receive free fruit everyday at school. They also receive free milk when in nursery (if your child is in reception and wants milk the cost is £1 each week). However, we do ask all children for a contribution of 50p each week to help us provide different things for snack and to help us with baking activities. Please make sure staff are aware of any allergies your child may have. Parents welcome! Parents are always welcome in Foundation Stage. We have a stay and play time for the first 20 minutes of each session so please don’t feel you have to rush off! We also hold regular events that parents are invited to such as Eid parties and Easter celebrations. We encourage all parents to attend our wonderful end of Foundation Stage celebration in the hall, which will take place just before your child leaves reception. Please keep a look out for information about upcoming events on the noticeboard in the cloakroom. Bringing & collecting your child At our school the safety of our children is paramount. Please make sure you bring your child into the classroom at the start of the session and help them to settle at an activity. At hometime we will only let someone we know collect your child. If you are expecting someone different to be collecting your child please let a member of staff know in advance.