L ESSON 1 V OCAB “The Story Of An Eye-Witness” By: Jack London
C OLOSSAL Extremely Large. That squid is very Colossal in size.
C ONFLAGRATION A Large Destructive Fire. That fire in San Francisco was a Conflagration.
C ONTRIVANCE A thing that is created skillfully and inventively to serve a particular purpose. The wheel was a very good Contrivance.
C UNNING Having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion. My Sister is a very Cunning little girl.
D EBRIS fragments or remnants of something destroyed or broken; rubble The earth is surrounded by space debris
D ISRUPTED Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. The teacher was talking before his class was Disrupted by the swat team.
F LANK A lateral part or side: the flank of a mountain. The flames flanked on either side
L AVISHLY Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion. My aunt’s house is a very Lavish place to live
L URID Very vivid in color, esp. so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect: "lurid food colorings". That was a very lurid color effect
P ERPENDICULAR vertical; straight up and down; upright. That is a very perpendicular line