Holy Cross Freshman Parent Meeting “True Followers- #Jesus” School Year
Current School Initiatives O Tim Weihe O School Year Theme O What the teacher’s have been working on. O Late Arrivals & Early Dismissals- Never Stop Improving
Who to contact? O General questions, calendar items, etc.- Ms. Bickel, ext. 104 O Attendance- Ms. Moore, ext. 100 O Books, Tuition, Financial Aid- Ms. Nopper, ext. 105 O Lockers/Locks, Parking Passes, Cougar Den- Ms. Ryan, ext. 109 O Tablet Issues- Mr. Tincher, ext. 226 or Mr. Willenborg, ext. 119 O Disciplinary Issues, Guild System- Ms. Pence, ext. 219 O Student schedule, concerns about a class (after student has discussed with teacher)- Mr. Strauss, ext. 148 O Socio-emotional concerns about student- Mr. Wood, ext.128 O Christian Service Program- Ms. Cleary ext. 229
Website & Sycamore O O Handbook/Agendas O Importance of being connected: O Daily O Class assignments calendar O for grade change O for failure report O for detention (Dress Code & Tardy) O Last minute announcements
Freshmen Service O Freshmen Service requirements: O 12 hours of service total – 3 hours each quarter of freshman year—turn in policy. O 10% of total theology grade each quarter O Freshman will be able to accumulate these hours of service through in school service or out of school service. O x2Vol O Hours & reflections must be submitted 2 weeks before the end of the quarter. (agenda & O Any hours submitted after this date but before the quarter will result in a maximum credit of 60%. Any hours submitted after the grading period will not be given credit for the grade; however, these hours will count toward the graduation requirement. O Students who are behind in service hours and ineligible from extra- curricular activities until the hours are completed.
Cambridge A.C.T. Program O Data Wall to track progress(+6) O EXPLORE Pre-test- August 29th O Analyze results, set student & teacher goals, core skill building, mini-tests. O Science Reasoning Section-Thomas O English Section- Capito O Math Section- Hall/DeWilde O Reading Section- Pence O EXPLORE Post-test- May O Celebrate results!
Pyramid of Intervention O Teachers O Wednesday morning NHS Help Sessions. O Teachers recommendation to Learning Consultant O Failure list on Fridays. O The 3 rd time a student appears on the Failure list he/she must meet with Learning Consultant to analyze the problem and set goals O The 6 th time a student appears on the Failure list parents are called to attend a meeting with the student & Learning Consultant.
The Guild System O What is it? O Role of the Advisor O Establish small community/family O Know each child O Study Hall Procedures/Policies
Counseling Program O Mr. John Wood, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist O Semester interview—baseline data O Freshmen transition anxiety O Ongoing counseling O Family counseling O Learning Consultants
Tablets O First few days O Tech assistance O Help button O Organization O Protecting & securing the tablet O Cafeteria O Charging at home
Important Issues O Drug Policy & Prevention O Drinking and Parties O Social Networking—Image & Bullying O Cell phones & Texting--Bullying O Not on vibrate, not on silent, but OFF. Please make sure your child understands this rule and the consequences for this rule. O Getting enough sleep—charging the phone O Reviewing cell phone records & applying blocks with your providers. O If confiscated a parent may retrieve after 1 week
Policies & Procedures O Credits & Eligibility O Office Hours O Food/Drink O Behavior outside of school O Signed agenda O Cheating & plagiarism O Use of elevator O Afternoon dismissal O Out of uniform days (Spirit Day vs. Jeans Day) O Dance regulations O Locks & Lockers O Lockdown procedures- communication
Don’t Forget O What?- Mini-Schedule Night—Go through your child’s schedule and meet his/her teachers! O When?- Wednesday, August 2oth 6:30 p.m. O Where?- Begin in gym O ***You earn a point for your child’s Guild when you attend!