The Big Hand-Off Learning Objects are now handed off Ali Green April 5, 2010
First a moment of your time Special thanks to every that helped create the learning objects throughout the last couple of years. Especially to Carroll Botts for setting the bar high and Chris Desai for the patience while creating one of the first intense objects. And of course thanks to Mark for bringing me on and Sue for supervising me the last year. Thank you Johann and Martha for great support of the fellows program! Heidi and Anne for being on the big hand off team! Thanks!
Welcome A bit about the project What is a learning object – a review Like a loaf of bread, yet just the slice
+ Assess what you know……please turn to page 5. YesNoYesNo 1. I know what captivate software is. 11. I know where learning objects are stored. 2. I am familiar with the concept of learning objects 12. I know the steps in creating a learning object. 3. I can identify a good learning object. 13. I know different job aids for learning objects. 4. I know enough information to work with a learning object? 14. I have an idea of how to store a learning object – when creating it. 5. I have the skills to implement learning objects as a facilitator. 15. I can identify a bad learning object 6. I have knowledge about what makes a good script for a learning object. 7. I have knowledge on pop-up and editing of learning objects. 8. I have the skills in project management for learning objects. 9. I can clearly instruct someone how to get from one webpage to the next. 10. I understand all of the tools available in captivate software.
Agenda for today Learning Objects – The Purpose here at University Libraries What are good and bad objects? The Pre-Work – how to construct an object A quick overview of the software Tips on correct voice recording Conclusion and Questions
+ Good or Bad Learning Object Digital Interactive Simple to understand Re-usable Accessible Simplicity of Interface Ease of Maintenance Too Long Not sound pedagogy GoodBad
How to construct a learning object pg. 10 Think of a subject you would like Then, fill out the form It can be changed at anytime Give a description of your learning object or tutorial. For this learning object, what is your outcome or goal? Will there be quizzes or tests? If so, where in the learning object do you want them? How long do you think this learning object should be? What would you like to include in the learning object? Think about images, colors, text, and voice. Looking from your student view, how do you see the learning object being used? Where do you want the learning object to be placed? Libguides, Youtube, etc.
How to construct a Peanut Butter &Jelly Write down instructions of how to make a peanut butter and jelly Think of this step by step Pretend you are sharing this with people that have no idea what a peanut butter and jelly is…..
Example of Script Step by Step Click by Click Screen By Screen Click by Click Steps obj,50 Pop Up Notes to Be IncludedVoice to go with Screen 1 START AT A STUDENT MyUNM SCREEN SHOT This presentation will show you how to get to the UNM University Libraries home page from your MyUNM home page. 2 HAVE THE CURSOR POINT TO THE "LIBRARY" TAB ON MyUNM When you're in your MyUNM home page, click on the Library tab near the top of your page. 3 CLICK ON THE LIBRARY TAB You can access some library resources from this page. However, you find a much more effective page for your research if you go to the University Libraries home page. Look in the Library Links box and click on University Libraries. 4 CLICK ON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IN THE LIBRARY LINKS BOX This is the UNM University Libraries home page, your portal to finding information for your research! Our address is
+ Take a look – how did it turn out? Link to "From UNM Homepage" by Carroll Botts YouTube - From UNM Homepage
Using Captivate Learning Object has been created to show you a few simple steps.
Recording your voice Make sure you are comfortable with the scripted material Test the recording equipment to make sure it works Check the placement and position of the microphone Make sure that you have enough time to record, and that the environment is quiet Get comfortable, and take a deep breath Record. Be prepared to do this more than once. Listen to the final result Have someone else proof the recorded product Be aware of background noises while recordings Turn off all window applications on your computer except for captivate. Make sure to have water or warm tea nearby
Conclusion History Users Benefits Creating Learning Objects Future Uses
Thank you