Junior Achievement’s Veteran’s Day Bowl-a-Thon Thursday Nov. 11, 2010 Friday Nov. 12, 2010 Make a strike for Education with JA Let Their Success Be Your Inspiration PRIZES TO BOWL YOU OVER! Drawing for several prizes. PRIZE STRUCTURE Raise Receive $ 50 1 ticket for prize drawings $ tickets $ tickets $ tickets + a $50 gift card $ tickets + a $75 gift card $ 1, tickets + a $100 gift card $ 1, tickets + a $150 gift card $ 2, tickets + a $200 gift card $ 3, tickets + a $250 gift card $ 5, tickets + a $350 gift card $10, tickets + a $500 gift card (Each bowler gets an additional ticket for every $25 raised.) Remember every $25 sponsors another student and brings you closer to bigger and better prizes! COMPANY PRIZE – The Company that collects the most pledge money will get a personalized trophy for display and bragging rights for a year. TEAM PRIZE – The team that collects the most pledges (minimum $1,500) will get gift card for $150 for their favorite restaurant. SPONSORS (add your logo’s to other advertisements) Platinum Sponsor ($1000) Gold Sponsor ($750) Silver Sponsor ($500) Bronze Sponsor ($250) Lane Sponsors ($100) Goodie Bag Sponsors (in-kind) FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO BOWLING FUN! STEP 1: CONTACT YOUR COMPANY COORDINATOR OR THE JA OFFICE The coordinator will have the team registration forms to get your team going. If you do not know or have a company coordinator simply contact the JA Office at or sign-up at STEP 2: REGISTER YOUR TEAM & DESIGNATE A TEAM CAPTAIN & SET A PLEDGE GOAL Add four co-workers, friends, family, customers or vendors to the team. (Each team consists of five people.) Select the preferred bowling time. Also ask if there will be a workplace competition in your company to compete for the Best Bowler’s trophy and include this information on the registration form. Register early to help ensure all the teams that want to bowl together can! Teams need to register at least 3 days before your event (First come first serve limited lanes available). STEP 3: BOWLERS GET PLEDGES The goal is to have each bowler raise $50 in pledges from co-workers, friends, clients, vendors and family (5 pledges of $10, for example). STEP 4: COLLECT AND TURN IN PLEDGES Each bowler is responsible for collecting all their money and then turning it in to their captain who will turn it into the JA Office or at the event. STEP 5: ARRIVE ON TIME AND HAVE FUN BOWLING You will be assigned a lane & time prior to the day of the event on a first-come, first served basis of the listed preferences on the registration form. Arrive 15 minutes early to get signed in, turn in funds raised, get your shoes, get lane assignment and select your ball. Have fun bowling for the youth of Brazoria County. STEP 6: ENJOY THE BOWLING & THE FEELING OF HELPING JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT Your support is appreciated in helping our students learn the basics of business and the free enterprise system through Junior Achievement. Junior Achievement of Brazoria County 104 W. Myrtle, Suite 218 Angleton, TX Register online at
JOIN US IN THE FAST LANES! You don’t have to be a great bowler to be successful. All you need is enthusiasm. You’ll join hundreds of other bowlers to raise funds for Junior Achievement and have a great time doing it! The dollars generated from the this event help provide in-school education programs for more than 5,000 students in grades Kindergarten – 12 th grade. By teaching young people about free enterprise and basic money management, JA is helping train tomorrow’s business leaders. The Bowl-A-Thon is a fun filled way to support the youth in our community. GOT A LITTLE TIME TO SPARE? Simply volunteer to be a part of a five person team. Obtain at least $50 in pledges from friends, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances and you are ready to bowl three games for JA. BOWLING SHIFTS Your Bowl-A-Thon Team can choose from 4 time slots. Bowl Texas, 125 FM 2004 Lake Jackson, TX Thursday, Nov. 11 from 11-2 pm Thursday, Nov. 11 from 2-5 pm Thursday, Nov. 11 from 5-8 pm Friday, Nov 12 from 6-9 pm SPONSORSHIPS Your company can be an Event Sponsor, Lane Sponsor or donate a raffle item or goodie bag item. Get them in ASAP so you can be recognized on the event publicity and Bowl-A-Thon signs at the Bowling alley. Name of SponsorAddress/PhoneAmt. pledge Total pledge TOTAL COLLECTED Sponsor Sheet Check with your company about a matching gift program – it can double your pledge amount. My Fundraising Goal $ _______________ Bowler Name:_________________________________ Team Captain: ________________________________ Company:____________________________________ Bowl date:____________Bowl time:_________________ Photocopy this sheet and give to your captain along with your pledge dollars by Event date. $50 minimum total pledges per bowler. Checks made to Junior Achievement will serve as a tax deductible receipt.