Development update Paul Mahony, Countryscape
What is Oppla?
What is Oppla’s purpose?
Oppla is a community
Oppla is a marketplace
Oppla is an enquiry service
Oppla is a partnership Joint activity between OpenNESS and OPERAs Funded by the European Commission FP7 Programme Over 60 universities, research institutes, agencies and businesses
Oppla is a portal
Understanding users’ needs Users want to: Understand the concepts Identify what they need Obtain what they need Be assured of quality Seek advice when required Share their successes Achieve impact
Understanding user types SEGMENTEXAMPLESTRIGGERS PRACTITIONERSLand managers, NGOS, utility companies Efficiencies, knowledge share, cutting edge CREATORSAcademic institutions, consultancies, EU projects Impact, marketplace, profile DECISION-MAKERSPolicymakers, asset/finance managers Reliability and assurance, access to expertise NEWCOMERSOther sectors (e.g. health), private enterprise Accessibility, practicality, risk reduction SPONSORSDonors and investors, government, partners “A big idea”, opportunity to influence, kudos
What are the benefits? For new users: Understand what information is most relevant/useful Access that information as easily as possible For experienced users: Reach wider audiences and increase impact Find new clients in emerging markets
Links with other platforms
A hub of information Collaboration not competition Identifying points of difference Data harvesting Shared data formats Focusing on new users A portal to other platforms
How is Oppla different? Accessible to users from different sectors Innovative marketplace and enquiry service Quality Assurance process reduces uncertainty A truly open platform – open to everyone
Ask Oppla
“Oppla is the library; Ask Oppla is the librarian”
Ask Oppla QUESTION RECEIVED PROCESSED BY SECRETARIAT OPPLA MEMBERS RESPOND ANSWER(S) PROVIDED (AND STORED) Crowd-sourced enquiry service – the facility to have your questions answered by the Oppla community Short and simple answers – signposting users to useful advice, tools and techniques Designed for new users – helping people who might not know where to start
Marketplace A platform where products and services and can be shared, searched for and sold: Data, software, guidance, case studies, training, events, consultancy services, etc Learning from the commercial sector
Marketplace A “one stop shop” for nature-based solutions Standardised product descriptions Smart search and filters make products easy to find Easy to add new products and link to other platforms Encourages collaboration and co-design
Quality assurance Online system of self-certification Suppliers evidence their own QA processes – eg. peer review, ISO Standards, case studies, testimonials Enables users to make better-informed judgments about the usefulness and reliability of information Can easily be applied to data/products hosted on other platforms
Sustainability is important
Revenue streams Information repository: publishing and promoting research outputs Marketplace: enabling the sale of commercial products and services Corporate membership: premium benefits for sponsor organisations Events and training: workshops, conferences and webinars on nature-based solutions
Where are we now? Oppla prototype Business plan and legal entity Outreach and community-building Ask Oppla service now launched…
Prototype (Beta launch 03.16)
Governance and operations Legal entity Business plan Relationships with other platforms and projects
Timeline Ask Oppla (public Beta): launched! Oppla (private Alpha launch): March 2016 Oppla (public Beta launch): September 2016 Oppla full launch:2017…