1 IEEE Computer Society SAB Vitality Report November 2, 2005 By Claire Lohr SAB Vitality Chair
2 IEEE Computer Society Topics Review of goals Progress against goals Survey results review Next activities Possible future activities
3 IEEE Computer Society Review of Goals Near term Create a systematic approach for interacting with each sponsor chair Facilitate increase in productivity Facilitate increase in satisfaction Long term Broaden market opportunities Bundle standards with services Coordination with TAB (emerging standards)
4 IEEE Computer Society Progress Report 1. Annual survey 1 st QTR solicit SCs - do they have anything they want included completed 2 nd QTR draft survey instrument, get SAB review, make modifications completed 3 rd QTR conduct the survey completed 4 th QTR compile, report and distribute results in progress
5 IEEE Computer Society Progress Report 2. Increase commonality of the web sites 1 st QTR draft target commonality list and circulate to SCs for comment. Develop final commonality list (first pass). Draft a PIF to get funding support. 2 nd QTR distribute the commonality list to the SCs and ask for their feedback PIF is drafted and distributed for comments 3 rd QTR Beta site is implemented and receiving praise 4 th QTR Need volunteers for the CCB (additional presentation)
6 IEEE Computer Society Progress Report 3. Increase standards topics participation in conferences 1 st QTR include in the survey: where are they presenting standards information at conferences now relevant questions are included in the survey 2 nd QTR wait for more information from SAB/TAB coordination activity 3 rd QTR TBD survey information is back 4 th QTR annual collection and reporting on status across all of the SCs recommend leaving this in the survey
7 IEEE Computer Society Survey Results Responses 7 out of 12 Sponsors responded One more coming shortly Will do one more request for response
8 IEEE Computer Society Survey Results Common elements Hold meetings (at least by teleconference) Communicate with their membership Everyone attends SAB meetings (even those who did not respond to the survey) Provide a forum for discussion of technical topics Almost all have new initiatives Web sites are regularly updated Almost all have liaison with both IEEE and non-IEEE organizations Most participate in conferences No additional concerns
9 IEEE Computer Society Survey Results Areas with inconsistent responses Awards (low cost alternatives: congratulations, certificates)
10 IEEE Computer Society Next Activities Survey Obtain additional inputs Distribute the results PIF Solicit and organize CCB participation Conference participation Report to all Sponsors the relevant survey results Encourage Sponsors to expand?
11 IEEE Computer Society Future Activities Develop a Vitality measurement program Set goals Select measures and definitions Design a reporting mechanism Establish liaison across certification organizations (glossary, etc), e.g., IEEE’s CSDP ASQ’s CSQE (asq.org) ISTQB’s CTFL, etc. (istqb.org)