Registered Apprenticeship in LA: Year in Review
Marketing & Promotions New Louisiana-specific brochures created DVD developed Materials from OA obtained for use Various program sponsor materials Workforce Innovations 2008
Accomplishments Seven new programs were developed and approved, which is a 17% increase – usually only one or two per year. Integration with other LWC programs (such as WIA) and outside workforce development entities has increased significantly. Approximately 65% of our Business & Career Solutions Centers throughout the state received 1-2 hour staff development workshops about the program in order to begin utilizing Registered Apprenticeship more actively as an additional service that can be offered to applicants and employers. Webinar capabilities were obtained. This has reduced travel costs and significantly increased communication and outreach abilities with Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors and field operations for OWD.
Accomplishments Cont’d Registered Apprenticeship converted all of their program sponsor/apprentice data (formerly kept separately in the LWC mainframe and a DOS based program) to the internet based, USDOL sponsored “Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System (RAPIDS)”. Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors/employers could begin taking advantage of the state apprenticeship tax credit. Approximately 105 employers took advantage of it, 1,300 apprentices were claimed, which equates to approximately $985,000 in tax credits granted (which breaks down to 985,000 hours of OJT work performed by apprentices in this state).
Accomplishments, Cont’d Registered Apprenticeship was moved out from under Labor Programs, restructured, and elevated in status in the OWD. Registered Apprenticeship has increased levels of accountability and performance measures it did not previously have in the 70 years of its existence. The program celebrated its 70th anniversary in Louisiana, at USDOL’s Workforce Innovations Conference held in New Orleans in July, The program’s visibility throughout the state has increased exponentially as a result of a ongoing efforts to educate employers, LCTCS and LWC programs and field offices. A comprehensive document entitled the “Louisiana Registered Apprenticeship System Redesign Action Plan” was developed at the Dallas Action Clinic. As a result of implementation, a steering committee was formed that includes Registered Apprenticeship stakeholders in order to make recommendations and assist the Apprenticeship Division in carrying out the plan. Registered Apprenticeship was awarded a $100,000 grant by USDOL, to be used to implement new federal apprenticeship regulations on the state level, and further the goals and objectives in the Action Plan.
New Louisiana Programs
Division Changes Structure Policy Technology
Statewide Statistics Minority Goal = 32% Actual = 42% Female Goal = 47% Actual = 14%
Goals for Obtain staff! Begin process for regulation changes Continue integration efforts Host statewide apprenticeship conference Catch up on compliance reviews Add 5 new programs (assuming staff is obtained)