Developed in conjunction with Module 388 Creative Problem Solving G. Jackson 3M
Stages of Problem Solving Explore the problem –Explore different angles< –Select key problem> Generate ideas and plans –Consider alternative ideas< –Select preferred option> Implement Plan –Plan supporting action< –Implement action> Evaluate –Monitor progress< –Adapt action>
Problem Exploration - Clarification “Why” technique –Problem probing Other people’s definitions –Reframing Dropping a key phrase –Paraphrasing Multiple redefinitions –Opening up perspectives
Problem Exploration - Springboards “I wish…” –Sensible or wacky “How to…” –Generate directional statements Concerns –Stakeholder sensitivities
Problem Exploration – Mapping Tree diagrams –Multiple divisions Cause and consequence maps –Sequential causes
Idea Development - Listing Purge –Eliminate the obvious Brainstorming –Classical, Nominal Group Technique, Brain-writing Notebook –Guerrilla activity
Idea Development - Provocations Random –Arbitrary stimuli Weirdos –Intermediate impossibles Reversal –Double negatives Analogies and metaphors –Unexpected associations
Idea Development - Checklists 5 Ws & H –Basic questioning engines SCAMPER –General transformations Attribute listing –Systematic alternatives
Idea Development - Classification Laddering –Taxonomy Clustering –Mind maps Identifying gaps –Complete the pattern
Idea Development - Selecting Sorting –Y ? W Rating –Top five, Stars, Dots Evaluation matrix –Weighting, ranking, hurdles Consultant presentation –Peer proposals
Implementing plans Help, hinder –Stakeholder influences Bullet proofing –Robust plans Potential problem analysis –Risks and contingencies Acceptance finding –Other people’s viewpoints Scheduling –PERT, CPA