Case length Matthew Bock
43% 18% 23%
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation New serology process
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation Recruitment: Serial echo protocol Lung recruitment New serology process
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation Recruitment: Serial echo protocol Lung recruitment New serology process New national organ offer procedure
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation Recruitment: Serial echo protocol Lung recruitment New serology process New national organ offer procedure Increased emphasis on thoracic organs
Serology testing Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Transportation and surgical recovery Three phases of an organ donation Recruitment: Serial echo protocol Lung recruitment New serology process New national organ offer procedure Increased emphasis on thoracic organs New HLA testing for kidney match
Evaluation phaseAllocation phaseRecovery phase Serial progression One stage follows the other
Evaluation phase Allocation phase Recovery phase Three phases in parallel (overlap)
Case moves from referral to active Serology testing Pt goes to the OR Evaluation phase Declaration, consent, med-soc, diagnostic testing 1 st match run Allocation phase Recovery phase Match runs, tissue typing, more diagnostics Organ offers Set the OR time Set-up, transportation and recovery First: The duration of each phase should be limited by it’s longest unalterable factor. Second: Phases should be overlapped as much as possible rather than strung together. Third: Pt families and hospital staff should have expectations that match the reality of case length. 3 major themes in case length reduction The big picture for organ donation case length