DSS/Db Backups/HSM Overview David Wolfe
DSS-I 102 CD ROM set –POSS-I red XE plates –SERC-J blue S plates –Compressed ~10X –
DQVS Palomar Quick-V –GSC-I construction plates –39 CD ROM set –Compressed ~10X –
XDSS RED ( III-aF) –POSS-II XP images Completed 897 out of 897, 100% –UK Schmidt XS images Completed 592 out of 606, 98% –UK Schmidt ER images Completed 270 out of 288, 94% –Compressed ~10X –Contained on Volumes –Completed by end of 2000 –
XDSS(cont) BLUE (III-aJ) –POSS-II XJ images Completed 897 out of 897, 100% Contained on Volumes INFRARED (IVN) –POSS-II XI images Completed 340 out of 897, 38% Contained on Volumes –UK Schmidt IS images Completed 151 out of 894, 16% Contained on Volumes –Compressed ~10X –Completed by mid 2001, telescope limited –
XDSS(cont) Headers –Headers for all XDSS second generation scans ftp://ftp.stsci.edu/software/casb/xdss/
DB BACKUPS DataBase about 1TB How to handle such a large volume –Old method Stand alone DLT drive, NT Backup 9-10 hours per tape 15+ tapes
DB BACKUPS (cont) New method –BackupExec by Veritas DLT jukebox, 8 cartridges Breakup into North and South High through put Less user interaction
DB BACKUPS (cont) Importance of the Backups –Large system, just in case of errors –Already had to use previous backups Replaced corrupted files –Time Frame Plans are for monthly –Minimal impact to production
HSM Hierarchical Storage Management –DiskXtender by OTG Large storage by using DLT jukeboxes – DLT tape jukeboxes –~60GB/tape –Storing processing data OOP, cutouts, deblend, rank…
HSM (cont) Ease of retrieval –All files visible from explorer –Right click on file to retrieve Limited by physical disk space