WAYS OF SEEING: GROSSMANN, COLOURFIELD & CEREAL BOX REVIEW “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe…We never look at just one thing we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves. Our vision is continually active, continually moving…” John Berger Ways of Seeing p.8-9
COLOURFIELD & CEREAL BOX REVIEW “…the paintings were almost pre-conscious, and were, in a sense, over before my normally vigilant, superego-activated sense of critique could awaken and encumber me with the possible adjustments, modifications, additions, amendments, reworkings and decorative moments of refined aesthetic despair I could bring to them.” Gary Michael Dault (artist & critic) automatism- Physical activites (e.g., arm movements, writing, drawing, musical performance) that occur without the automatist's conscious control or knowledge. Also known as motor automatism. para-automatism near/close to automatism/subconscious control
COLOURFIELD & CEREAL BOX REVIEW Someone once asked Dault how paintings completed in just one minute could have any substance. What was his response? Cereal Box Series #51 Acrylic on boxboard 7.5"x7.5" 19.05cmx19.05cm
In art theory formalism is the concept that a work's artistic value is entirely determined by its form--the way it is made, its purely visual aspects and its medium. Formalism emphasizes compositional elements such as colour, line, shape and texture rather than realism, context, and content. In visual art, formalism is the concept that everything necessary in a work of art is contained within it. The context for the work, including the reason for its creation, the historical background, and the life of the artist, is considered to be of secondary importance. Formalism dominated modern art from the late 1800s through the 1960s. Text from viewed 6 Jan 2008http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formalism_%28art%29 Post-Modern Elements FORMALISM
COLOURFIELD & CEREAL BOX REVIEW Name ‘Formalist’ qualities that … used in their artwork and explain how they are demonstrated. FORMALISM …entirely determined by its form--the way it is made, its purely visual aspects and its medium (material e.g. paint). Formalism emphasizes compositional elements (of art) such as colour, line, shape and texture rather than realism, context, and content. Cereal Box Series #35 Acrylic on boxboard 9"x6.5" 22.86cmx16.51cm Mountains and Sea 1952 Oil on canvas 7' 2 5/8" x 9' 9 1/4" DAULTFRANKENTHALER
COLOURFIELD & CEREAL BOX REVIEW When we look at a work of art, we are affected by a whole series of learnt assumptions concerning: Beauty, Truth, Genius, Civilization, Form, Status, Taste Which of these is the most important when considering artwork? You might be able to think of a different one. Cereal Box Series #38 Acrylic on boxboard Magic Carpet, 1964 Acrylic on Canvas Amenable to Discipline (mixed media, 1998, x 94 cm) UNTITLED, 1999 SIGMAR POLKE b DAULTFRANKENTHALERGROSSMANNPOLKE