电子商务专业英语 潘 果 Chapter Two QQ : 690849909 电话: 13874928266.


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Presentation transcript:

电子商务专业英语 潘 果 Chapter Two QQ : 电话:

2.The disadvantages of E-commerce 1. The advantages of E-commerce 3.The characteristics of E-commerce Learning Target :

Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Lesson Two Limitation of E-commerce Lesson Three Scope of E-commerce The Content of Chapter Two

Lesson One 潘 果 Chapter Two

Pre-sales post-sales returning goods Supply chain physical goods digital products Personal service outsourcing Knowledge Preparation


Lux Unilever Monkey Sunlight luxury luck zest Rejoice Safeguard clean and clear sparkling tonic Dove Volvo

趣味单词记忆: Volvo Involve Evolve Convolve revolve

课文讲解: Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Key Sentences : E-commerce provides customers with a platform to search product information through global markets with a wider range of choices,which makes comparison and evaluation easier and more efficient.

课文讲解: Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Key Sentences : People can interact with businesses at any hour of the day,which is convenient to them,and because these interactions are initiated by customers,the customers also provide a lot of data for the transaction that may otherwise need to be entered by business staff.

课文讲解: Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Key Sentences : Non-profit organizations,including govement services,also benefit from E-Commerce by the online payment system which supports the payment of tax refunds and pensions quichly and securely.

课文讲解: Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Key Sentences : The market in which web-based businesses operate is the global market.It may not be evident to them,but many business are already facing internation competition from web-enabled business.

课文讲解: Lesson One Advantage of E-commerce Key Sentences : The Internet makets it very easy to “shop around” for products and services that may be cheaper or more effective than we might otherwise settle for.

Brief summary 小结: Review 复习: Preparation for lessons before class 预习: ( Lesson Two Linitations E-commerce learning and speaking )

Chapter one Thank You !

Lesson Two 潘 果 Chapter one

角色扮演(英、中文对话) learning and speaking Starting Internet Banking

Undisclosed or Unsubstantiaed charges Other Violations Failure to Honour Warranty or Guarantee Other Misrepresentation Merchandiso or Service Not in Conformity with Order figure 2-7 Reasons for Consumer Complaints (Australia 2002)

Cannot Contact Merchant Unauthorised Use of Identity /Account Information Billed for Unordered Merchandise or Service Failure to Honour Refind Polioy Merchandise or Sorvice Never Received Defective/poor Quality figure 2-7 Reasons for Consumer Complaints (Australia 2002)

课文讲解: Lesson Two Explore E-commerce Development Key Sentences : Non-profit organizations,including govement services,also benefit from E-Commerce by the online payment system which supports the payment of tax refunds and pensions quichly and securely.

课文讲解: Lesson Two Explore E-commerce Development Key Sentences : The market in which web-based businesses operate is the global market.It may not be evident to them,but many business are already facing internation competition from web-enabled business.

Brief summary 小结: Review 复习: Preparation for lessons before class 预习: ( Lesson Three Scope of E-commerce learning and speaking )

Chapter TWO Thank You !

Lesson Three 潘 果 Chapter TWO

角色扮演(英、中文对话) learning and speaking Building a Web Site

Words and Expressions in dialogues: Credit card application form E-token catalogue Minimum appealing

课文讲解: Lesson Three Scope of E-commerce Key Sentences : The Internet makets it very easy to “shop around” for products and services that may be cheaper or more effective than we might otherwise settle for.

Brief summary 小结: Review 复习: Preparation for lessons before class 预习: ( 1.vocabulary 2.afrer-class Exercises )

Chapter two Thank You !

Lesson Four 潘 果 Chapter one

快乐传真(英、中文单词翻译) Global outsourcing physical storefront Market space physical goods pershable goods durable goods Returning goods hippopotamus Personal service per-sales Post-sales supply chain

快乐翻译: 我来说,你来译 实体店面也就没有必要为了与消费者和供应商 交易而开放,这一切可以通过电子商务解决。 这种全球化的机遇是基于一个事实,即用户 现在使用的通信方式不同于传统的通信方式,不受 距离的影响。 大部分电子商务交易经常使用信用卡结算, 这就导致了很小和很大金额的交易很难在网上完成。

快乐翻译: 我来说,你来译 互联网给我们提供一种向客户销售的新渠道。 因此在某种程度上电子商务买卖是基于信用达 成的。

Brief summary 小结: Review 复习: Preparation for lessons before class 预习: ( Chapter Three)

Chapter two Thank You !