Economics in support of biodiversity conservation policy The EC experience Expert Workshop on Biodiversity and Economics, EEA 5 October 2006 Alexandra VAKROU, DG Environment, EC
Communication on halting the loss of biodiversity to 2010 – and beyond Sustaining ecosystem services for human well-being Context builds upon the EC Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plans responds to 2010 commitments, SDS objective for recovery of natural systems builds on biodiversity policy review, Malahide, policy developments post-Malahide (Thematic Strategies, Financial Perspectives…) takes account of stakeholder consultation post- Malahide
Communication on halting the loss of biodiversity to 2010 – and beyond Sustaining ecosystem services for human well-being Purpose to pull together EU actors to meet 2010 targets and foster recovery of biodiversity also: to promote longer-term shift towards new balance between conservation and development to meet requirement to report to Council and Parliament on implementation of Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans
Communication on halting the loss of biodiversity to 2010 – and beyond Sustaining ecosystem services for human well-being Content of the Communication COM Introduction Why is biodiversity important? What is happening to biodiversity and why? What have we achieved so far? What more needs to be done? Annexes EU Action Plan to 2010 and Beyond Indicators
What more needs to be done? 4 policy areas Biodiversity in the EU The EU and global biodiversity Biodiversity and climate change The knowledge base 10 objectives related to these policy areas 4 key supporting measures
Policy Area 1 Biodiversity in the EU Objectives 1. To safeguard the EU’s most important habitats and species 2. To conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider countryside 3. To conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider marine environment 4. To reinforce compatability of regional and territorial development with biodiversity in the EU 5. To substantially reduce the impact of invasive alien species and alien genotypes
Policy Area 2 The EU and Global Biodiversity Objectives 6. To substantially strengthen effectiveness of international governance for biodiversity and ecosystem services 7. To strengthen support for biodiversity and ecosystem services in external assistance 8. To substantially reduce the impact of international trade on global biodiversity and ecosystem services
Policy Area 3 Biodiversity and Climate Change Objective 9. To support biodiversity adaptation to climate change eg. of actions Emissions cuts Enhancing coherence & connectivity of Natura 2000 IA of key adaptation and mitigation measures
Policy Area 4 The Knowledge Base Objective 10. To substantially strengthen the knowledge base for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in the EU and globally Examples of actions New EU mechanism for independent, authoritative, advice to inform implementation and policy development Enhance research on state and trends of biodiversity, pressures on biodiversity, effectiveness of policy responses
Supporting measures 1. Ensuring adequate financing 2. Strengthening EU decision-making 3. Building partnerships 4. Building public education, awareness and engagement
An EU Action Plan to 2010 and beyond New in 3 important ways: 1. Specifies actions targeted at delivering on 2010 commitments 2. Addressed to both community institutions and MS and specifies roles and responsibilities of each 3. Provides clear set of targets and indicators against which to evaluate progress
A Specific action on Economics in the COM planning There is a specific action B2.1.2 in the COM which requires: 'Strengthen understanding and communication of values of natural capital and ecosystem services and the taking into account of these values in the policy framework, expand incentives for people to safeguard biodiversity.'
Economics to support the ExtIA of the Biodiversity Communication The Commission commissioned 2 studies in order to support the Extended Impact Assessment that accompanies the Biodiversity Communication The Ext IA is available at: biodiversity_policy/biodiversity_com_2006/pdf/sec_2006_60 7.pdf ). biodiversity_policy/biodiversity_com_2006/pdf/sec_2006_60 7.pdf Study on “The Use of Market Incentives to Preserve Biodiversity” (available at: Study on the “Value of Biodiversity” available at: ( pdf) pdf
Relevance of Biodiversity Economics on other policies and legislation formulation The implementation of the ELD is one of the more concrete and fundamental economic instruments The review of key Commission policies and legislation may offer more opportunities to integrate Biodiversity economics knowledge and analysis, like: the announced review of the CAP in 2008 (compensatory measures, assessment of effectiveness of AE/biodiversity schemes, evaluation) and the review of the Habitats Directive (further policy assessment and assessment of compensating actions)
Relevance of Biodiversity Economics on policies and institutional matters The high-level network of Environmental Economists has concluded that there is a need for: supporting policy-making at the local level, ensuring that good information is fed into decisions (and not necessarily economic but economics included). Economics can surely help to ensure that decision- making is approached intelligently and can play a more active and important role in the context of EIA and SEA.
Input of economics in other Biodiversity Communication Actions Evaluation and assessment of funding needs, action, instruments available for that. Economic impact of biodiversity actions to society (jobs, wealth, but also costs for prevention actions) Input that will be needed for the preparation of the Ext IA that will accompany the Communication on the Invasive Alien Species. Indicators (ecosystem assessment, etc)
Monitoring, evaluation & review Annual implementation reporting to Council and EP Streamlined monitoring and reporting framework, indicator set Mid-term evaluation of implementation and effectiveness 2008 Full evaluations 2010 & 2013 – to feed into Financial Perspectives 2014+
State of play on the Biodiversity Communication Council: Finnish Presidency is treating the Communication as a priority – discussion in various formations, aiming for ENV Council Conclusions 12/06 Parliament: EP is taking up as own initiative (rapp. Adamou CY) Committee of the Regions: will deliver opinion (rapp. Van Gelderer Zeeland NL) EPRG/BEG/Nature Directors etc…