Messing with Data March 3rd, 2009
My Expectations “I think you should be more explicit here in step 2.”
The Take-Aways ?
Aggregation - making it meaningful Dis-Aggregation - making it useful Triangulation - making it defensible
Let’s start with a simple example First, I start with my question:
What’s up with the beer aisle in Lowe’s??
Follow-on Questions: * What about NC breweries? * What about E NC breweries?
A little closer to home… What’s up with retention at CCC? Fall-to-Fall? Fall-to-Spring? Females?Males? Applied? Transfer? Nursing? Cosmetology? GOT? Took ACA? Used AS? Minorities? Non-Traditional? DL?
A little closer to home… What’s up with DL at CCC? Do DL students drop as much as traditional/seated students? Related but separate question: Do DL students succeed as much as traditional/seated students? If NO, then what’s going on?
270 seated sections 73% success / 22% failed or withdrew (15% W) 61 internet sections 65% success / 33% D, F, WD (16% W) 15 hybrid sections 81% success / 18% D, F, WD (9% W) CCC FA’08
Grade Distributions (Fall 2008) Aggregation
Attrition IN01: 35% IN02: 26% WB03: 17% WB04: 28% WB05N: 18% Computer Literacy - FA ‘08 5 Sections: CIS WB; 2-IN Dis-Aggregation
Computer Literacy - FA ‘08 5 Sections: CIS WB; 2-IN Dis-Aggregation
More Dis-Aggregation
Dis - Aggregation Students in CIS110 - IN02 taking multiple courses
Dis - Aggregation Students in CIS110 - IN02 taking multiple courses
Now, what about Triangulation? Historical Data FA 08 internet: 61 sections 33% D, F, WD (16% W) FA 07 internet: 59 sections; 34% D, F, W FA 06 internet: 48 sections; 34% D, F, W
Now, what about Triangulation? Historical Data FA 08 internet: 61 sections; 33% D, F, WD (16% W) FA 07 internet: 59 sections; 34% D, F, W FA 06 internet: 48 sections; 34% D, F, W FA 08 hybrid: 15 sections; 18 % D, F, W FA 07 hybrid: 22 sections; 16% D, F, W FA 06 hybrid: 20 sections: 27% D, F, W
Now, what about Triangulation? Nothing wrong with Qualitative Data- Surveys, Evaluations, Focus Groups What do you think about online courses? Where have you succeeded with online? Where have you struggled online courses? Where have you succeeded with this course? Do you prefer Hybrid or Full Internet?
Rate these assignments from easiest (1) to most difficult (5). _ Word _ Excel _ Powerpoint _ Access _ Integration _ Theory
In Sum… Think about your question(s)…Outcomes? Where’s the data? How can you aggregate it for meaning? How can you dis-aggregate it for usefulness? How can you triangulate it for validity?
Was this what you expected? Suggestions for improvement? Would you attend follow-up sessions (on drilling deeper)…(or something else)? The Important Stuff