Cordell Hull
He was Secretary of State under Herbert Hoover, and was Secretary of War under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Henry Stimson
Ambassador to Italy under Roosevelt Head of Visa Section, Department of State Used his position to impede the ability of Jews and other victims of Nazi persecution to seek refuge in the United States. Breckenridge Long
Memo from Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long, to State Department Officials dated June 26, 1940, outlining effective ways to obstruct the granting of U.S. visas. “We can delay and effectively stop for a temporary period of indefinite length the number of immigrants into the United States. We could do this by simply advising our consuls, to put every obstacle in the way and to require additional evidence and to resort to various administrative devices which would postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of the visas.”
Appointed Assistant Sec. of War on April 22, During the Spring and Summer of 1945, McCloy spent most of his time working on issues involving postwar Germany. John McCloy
Reverend Charles E. Coughlin One of the most influential personalities on American radio and staunch Roosevelt supporter. At the height of his popularity in the early 1930s, some 30 million listeners tuned in to hear his emotional messages. In 1938, Coughlin published a version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A virulently anti- Semitic piece of propaganda that had originated in Russia at the turn of the century, the "Protocols" accused Jews of planning to seize control of the world. Jewish leaders were shocked by Coughlin's actions.
Cordell Hull
Sumner Welles Under Secretary of State
Henry Stimson Sec. of Defense
Francis Perkins Sec. of Labor
Harold Ickes Sec. of Interior
Evian International Conference on Refugees July 1938 The American Delegate: "We are coming to try to figure out what to do for the Jews, but no nation will be asked to take any more Jews than its quota already allows."
Goering Greeting United States Undersecretary of State, Sumner Welles, in 1940
“The Bergson Boys” Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook) led a dissident group of Zionists known in the United States as the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe..
August 28, 1942, Rabbi Stephen Wise received an alarming cable from Gerhard Reigner in Switzerland. "Informer reported to have close connections with highest German authorities who has previously generally reliable reports says that in Fuehrer's [sic] headquarters plan under consideration to exterminate at one blow this fall three and half to four millions Jews following deportation from countries occupied, controlled by Germany and concentration in east. Method execution undecided but prussic acid has been considered. Information transmitted with reservation as exactitude cannot be ascertained."
‘We will never die,” New York, 1943
Jan Karski Courier from the Polish Underground
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry Morgenthau Jr. in Poughkeepsie, New York
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta (9 FEB 1945)
FDR 1943
1940 Washington, DC
Franklin D. Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia at Great Bitter Lake in Egypt 14 Feb 1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt and King Farouk of Egypt at Great Bitter Lake in Egypt, 13 Feb 1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill in Teheran, Iran (11 NOV 1943)
The Holocaust: the Untold Story Arthur Syk: Drawings on War