Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini
Mussolini -Organized the fascist movement in Italy *Served as a model for similar movements in other countries like: Germany and Spain
Favor Dictatorship Nationalism Capitalism
Oppose Democracy Marxism (Communism)
Political Spectrum Radical Liberals Moderate ConservativeReactionary -Socialists -Communist -Gov’t takeover -Violent -Immediate change -Gov’t regulations -Gradual change -Wants change legally, slowly & peacefully Ex: President Obama Martin Luther King -Middle of the road -Accept things as they are -compromise - Local gov’t should have power -Against public Welfare Ex: President Bush -anti-communist -”good ole days” -anti-welfare -Anti-taxation -Violent Ex: KKK, Fascist LEFT RIGHT
Factors Rise to power of Fascism in Italy 1.Economic Distress – inflation (prices ) 2.Fear of Communism – sworn enemies 3.Appeal of Nationalism – glories of Rome
4. Weak Gov’t – unstable, could not solve economic problems 5. Lack of Democratic traditions – ppl concerned with earning a living
6. Leadership of Mussolini – Organized the fascist party “The Black Shirts” Brutality against opponents Secret police Preserved capitalism