By Bright Prabahar P (AP/ECE)
To highlight the features of different technologies involved in High Speed Networking and their performance. OBJECTIVES To introduce the students about ATM and Frame relay networks. To provide the students with an up-to-date survey of developments in High Speed Networks. To enable the students to know techniques involved to support real- time traffic and congestion control. To provide the students with knowledge of different levels of quality of service (QoS) to different networking applications.
Knowledge on Computer Networks and Data Communication
Session No Topics to be covered TimeRefTeaching Aids 1Introduction to High speed networks – Frame Relay networks 50Min1(73-90)BB 2Asynchronous Transfer Mode50Min1(91-120)BB 3ATM protocol Architecture, ATM Logical connections, 50Min1(92-98)BB/V 4ATM cell50Min 1(98-104) BB 5ATM service categories- & AAL50Min1( )BB/S 6High speed LAN’s; Fast Ethernet50Min1( )BB/P 7Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel50Min1( )BB 8Wireless LAN ‘s Applications, requirements 50Min1( )BB/P 9Architecture of and Review of unit I 50Min1( )BB 1.HIGH SPEED NETWORKS9 Frame Relay Networks - Asynchronous transfer mode - ATM Protocol Architecture, ATM logical Connection, ATM Cell - ATM Service Categories - AAL. High Speed LANs: Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel - Wireless LANs: applications, requirements - Architecture of Objective: To facilitate the students on the basis of ATM and Frame relay concepts and explain the various types of LAN’s and to know about their applications. BB- board P-using PPT V- video hour S-student seminar
Frame Relay Networks Asynchronous transfer mode ATM Protocol Architecture ATM logical Connection
ATM Cell – ATM Service Categories High Speed LANs: Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel Wireless LANs: ◦ Applications ◦ Requirements ◦ Architecture
BB- board P-using PPT V- video hour S-student seminar CONGESTION AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 8 Queuing Analysis- Queuing Models - Single Server Queues - Effects of Congestion - Congestion Control - Traffic Management - Congestion Control in Packet Switching Networks - Frame Relay Congestion Control. Objective: To introduce the concept of queuing analysis and the concepts behind traffic management and congestion control. Session No Topics to be covered TimeRef Teaching Aids 10Introduction to Queuing Analysis50Min1( )BB/V 11Queuing Models50Min1( )BB/P 12Single Server Queues50Min1( )BB 13Effects of Congestion50Min1( )BB/S 14Congestion Control50Min1( )BB 15Traffic Management50Min1( )BB/P 16Congestion Control in Packet Switching Networks 50Min1(264)&2(387)BB 17Frame Relay Congestion Control and Review of Unit II 50Min1( )BB
Queuing Analysis Queuing Models Single Server Queues Effects of Congestion
Congestion Control Traffic Management Congestion Control in Packet Switching Networks Frame Relay Congestion Control
BB- board P-using PPT V- video hour S-student seminar TCP AND ATM CONGESTION CONTROL 11 TCP Flow control - TCP Congestion Control - Retransmission - Timer Management - Exponential RTO backoff KARN’s Algorithm - Window management - Performance of TCP over ATM.Traffic and Congestion control in ATM - Requirements - Attributes - Traffic Management Frame work, Traffic Control - ABR traffic Management - ABR rate control, RM cell formats, ABR Capacity allocations - GFR traffic management. Objective: Enable the students to know techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion control in ATM. Session NoTopics to be coveredTimeRefTeaching Aids 18Introduction to TCP Flow control50Min1( )BB 19TCP Congestion Control - Retransmission50Min1( )BB 20Timer Management - Exponential RTO backoff - KARN’s Algorithm 50Min1( )BB/S 21Window management50Min1( )BB 22Performance of TCP over ATM – TCP over UBR50Min1( )BB/V 23Performance of TCP over ATM – EBD Fair Buffer allocation and Traffic and Congestion control in ATM - Requirements 50Min1( ) ( )&2( ) BB/P 24Attributes - Traffic Management Frame work,50Min1( )BB 25Traffic Control - ABR traffic Management50Min1( )BB/S/P 26ABR rate control, RM cell formats50Min1( )BB 27ABR Capacity allocations,50Min1( )BB 28GFR traffic management and Review of Unit - III50Min1( )BB
TCP Flow control TCP Congestion Control Retransmission Timer Management – Exponential RTO backoff
KARN’s Algorithm – Window management – Performance of TCP over ATM. Traffic and Congestion control in ATM – ABR traffic Management ABR rate control, RM cell formats, ABR Capacity allocations
BB- board P-using PPT V- video hour S-student seminar INTEGRATED AND DIFFERENTIAL SERVICES 7 Integrated Services Architecture - Approach, Components, Services- Queuing Discipline, FQ, PS, BRFQ, GPS, WFQ - Random Early Detection, Differentiated Services Objective: To facilitate the students on the basis of ISA and explain the various types of queuing discipline. Session No Topics to be covered TimeRef Teaching Aids 29 Integrated Services Architecture (ISA) 50Min1( )BB 30 ISA Approach, Components and Services 50Min1( )BB/S 31 Queuing Discipline: Fair Queuing, Processor Sharing 50Min1( )BB 32 Bit – Round Fair queuing (BFRQ) 50Min1( )BB/P 33 Generalized processor Sharing (GPS) 50Min1( )BB 34 Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)50Min1( )BB 35 Random Early Detection 50Min1( )BB 36 Differentiated Services and Review of Unit IV 50Min1( )BB/V
Integrated Services Architecture Approach, Components, Services Queuing Discipline, ◦ FQ, PS, BRFQ, GPS, WFQ ◦ Random Early Detection, Differentiated Services
BB- board P-using PPT V- video hour S-student seminar PROTOCOLS FOR QOS SUPPORT 9 RSVP - Goals & Characteristics, Data Flow, RSVP operations, Protocol Mechanisms - Multiprotocol Label Switching - Operations, Label Stacking, Protocol details - RTP - Protocol Architecture, Data Transfer Protocol, RTCP. Objective: Students will be provided with Protocol for quality of service (Qos) to different applications. Session No Topics to be covered TimeRefTeaching Aids 37Introduction to Resource Reservation: RSVP 50Min1(508)BB 38 RSVP - Goals & Characteristics, Data Flow 50Min1( )BB 39 RSVP operations, Protocol Mechanisms 50Min1( )BB/S 40 Multiprotocol Label Switching - Operations 50Min1( )BB/V 41 Label Stacking, Protocol details 50Min1( )BB 42Real – Time Transport protocol (RTP)50Min1(533)BB 43 RTP - Protocol Architecture 50Min1( )BB/P 44 Data Transfer Protocol 50Min1( )&3( )BB/P 45 RTCP and Review of Unit V50Min1( )BB
RSVP – Goals & Characteristics Data Flow RSVP operations Protocol Mechanisms Multiprotocol Label Switching – MPLS Operations, Label Stacking, Protocol details RTP – Protocol Architecture, Data Transfer Protocol, RTCP
S.ND.NO NAME OF THE STUDENT Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit Agnes Augustina.S ATM - Protocol architecture and Logical Connections Queue – Behavior and the Need for Queuing Analysis TCP flow Control ISA architecture - Approach RSVP and its data flow Amala Infanta Shirly.R Amala.G Anusuya.K Aparna Deepthi.R Arichandran.A Arivazhagi.K AAL – Services and Protocols Single Server Queue TCP congestion Control Queuing Discipline Goals and Characteris tics of RSVP Auxilia.J Chindhia.P Dhanalakshmi.N Dharshini.S Dhivya.T Dhurka Devi.M Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Multi Server Queue Retransmissio n Timer Management Fair Queuing and processor sharing RSVP - Operation Diana.V Divya.B Eviyah.R Famela.T Gayathri.K Hasmath Naseera.A Fiber ChannelEffects of Congestion Window Management ISA architecture - Components RSVP protocol mechanism s Jency Dhivya.R Kamala Devi.G Kavitha.K.S Kirubakaran.V Kiruthiga.G
Kodeeswari. R Wireless LANsCongestion Control Performance of TCP over ATM ISA architecture - Services MPLS - operations Logesh.G Madhumidh a.K Maheswari. A Meera.A Mohamedka sim.M ATM Cells and Service CategoriesTraffic Management and Congestion control in packet switching Performance of TCP over UBR Random Early detection MPLS – Label Stacking Nigila.S Nirmala Devi.V.K Prabakaran. A Priyanga.R Revathi.G Roshini.J.M Frame Relay NetworksCongestion control in frame relay networks Performance of TCP over ABR Differentiated services RTP – protocol architecture Sakthi Priya.S Sameeha.A Sarumathi.M Sharon Anton.J Subhashree. P Packet Switching networksQueue with priorities ABR capacity allocations Bit Round Fair Queuing and Generalized Processor Sharing RTP – Data Transfer protocol Suruthi.S Tharmadevi. V Vanishri.T Vidhya.P Vijaya Bharathi.S Vinothini.K High Speed Networks – Examples Need and Applications Networks of Queues GFR traffic management Weighted Fair Queuing RTCP Vinothini.P Vishnu Priya.S Asaithambi. P Keerthiga.T Venkatesh.R
S.ND.NO NAME OF THE STUDENT SEMINAR TOPIC DATE ASSIGNE D DATE CONDUCT ED MARK S Agnes Augustina.S Wireless LANs: applications Amala Infanta Shirly.R High Speed LANs Amala.G Effects of Congestion Anusuya.K Single Server Queues Aparna Deepthi.R KARN’s Algorithm Arichandran.A TCP Congestion Control Arivazhagi.K Random Early Detection, Auxilia.J BRFQ Chindhia.P RSVP operations, Dhanalakshmi.N RTP Dharshini.S Wireless LANs: applications Dhivya.T High Speed LANs Dhurka Devi.M Effects of Congestion Diana.V Single Server Queues Divya.B KARN’s Algorithm Eviyah.R TCP Congestion Control Famela.T Random Early Detection, Gayathri.K BRFQ Hasmath Naseera.A RSVP operations, Jency Dhivya.R RTP Kamala Devi.G Wireless LANs: applications Kavitha.K.S High Speed LANs Kirubakaran.V Effects of Congestion Kiruthiga.G Single Server Queues Kodeeswari.R KARN’s Algorithm Logesh.G TCP Congestion Control
Madhumidha.K Random Early Detection, Maheswari.A BRFQ Meera.A RSVP operations, Mohamedkasim.M RTP Nigila.S Wireless LANs: applications Nirmala Devi.V.K High Speed LANs Prabakaran.A Effects of Congestion Priyanga.R Single Server Queues Revathi.G KARN’s Algorithm Roshini.J.M TCP Congestion Control Sakthi Priya.S Random Early Detection, Sameeha.A BRFQ Sarumathi.M RSVP operations, Sharon Anton.J RTP Subhashree.P Wireless LANs: applications Suruthi.S High Speed LANs Tharmadevi.V Effects of Congestion Vanishri.T Single Server Queues Vidhya.P KARN’s Algorithm Vijaya Bharathi.S TCP Congestion Control Vinothini.K Random Early Detection, Vinothini.P BRFQ Vishnu Priya.S RSVP operations, Asaithambi.P RTP Keerthiga.T Wireless LANs: applications Venkatesh.R High Speed LANs