Xuding Zhu Zhejiang Normal University Budapest Circular flow of signed graphs
G: a graph A circulation on G
G: a graph
A circulation on G G: a graph
A circulation on G G: a graph
A circulation on G The boundary of f G: a graph
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
Conjecture Thomassen [2012]Theorem [Lovasz-Thomassen-Wu-Zhang, 2013] Theorem [Zhu, 2013]
A signed graph G
a positive edge a negative edge
An orientation of a signed edge a positive edge a negative edge x x y y
An orientation of a signed edge a positive edge a negative edge x x x y y y
An orientation of a signed edge a positive edge a negative edge x x x y y y x x y y
An orientation of a signed edge a positive edge a negative edge x x x y y y y y y x x x
An orientation of a signed edge a positive edge a negative edge x y e x y e x y e x y e x y e x y e
A signed graph G A circulation on G
A signed graph G A circulation on G
A signed graph G A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A circulation on G The boundary of f
A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x
A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x 1
A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x 1
1 3 A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x 1
1 3 A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x 1
A signed graph G A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x1
A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x1 Change the directions of `half ’ edges incident to x
A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x1 Change the directions of `half ’ edges incident to x
A flow on G Flip at a vertex x change signs of edges incident to x x Change the directions of `half ’ edges incident to x The flow remains a flow 1
G can be obtained from G ’ by a sequence of flippings Fliping at vertices in X change the sign of edges in
Theorem [Zhu, 2013] One technical requirement is missing
Theorem [Loavsz-Thomassen-Wu-Zhang, 2013] Corollary
Theorem [Zhu, 2013] Lemma 1.
Proof Assume G is (12k-1)-edge connected essentially (2k+1)-unbalanced Assume G has the least number of negative edges among its equivalent signed graphs Q: negative edges of G R: positive edges of G G[R] is 6k-edge connected
Theorem [Zhu, 2013] Lemma 1. To prove Theorem above, we need
For signed graphs
G If such a path does not exist
G If such a path does not exist
G For a signed graph Such a path may not exist
G For a signed graph Such a path may not exist
The same proof as for ordinary graph
G[R] are 6k-edge connected. By Williams-Tutte Theorem G[R] contains 3k edge-disjoint spanning trees
By Williams-Tutte Theorem G[R] contains 3k edge-disjoint spanning trees
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