Framework for Assessing Organizational Excellence Introduction
2 NSF Strategic Plan: Outcome Goals People – to develop a diverse, internationally competitive and globally-engaged workforce of scientists, engineers and well-prepared citizens. Ideas – to provide a deep and broad fundamental science and engineering knowledge base. Tools – to provide widely accessible, state-of-the-art science and engineering infrastructure. Organizational Excellence – to develop an agile, innovative organization that fulfills its mission through leadership in state-of the-art business practices.
3 Organizational Excellence Goal Objectives Human Capital Management. Develop a diverse, capable, motivated staff that operates with efficiency and integrity. Technology Enabled Business Processes. Utilize and sustain broad access to new and emerging technologies for business application Performance Assessment. Develop and use performance assessment tools and measures to provide an environment of continuous improvement in NSF’s intellectual investments as well as its management effectiveness. Merit Review. Operate a credible, efficient merit review system
4 Assessment of Organizational Excellence Goal NSF Assessment B&O Advisory Committee reviews assessment and evaluates results Human Capital Management Technology Enabled Business Processes Performance Assessment
5 Assessment TimeLine Today –Present Framework Human Capital Management – Joe Burt Technology Enabled Business Processes – Andrea Norris and Mary Santonastasso Performance Assessment – Craig Robinson –Get Feedback Tomorrow to Mid-May –NSF to Conduct Assessment Mid-May –Transmit results to B&O Committee via a “report card” Early June –Committee conference call to discuss results –Letter from Committee June 22-23, 2004 – AC/GPA Meeting