Preparing learners for 21 st Century Living
Task: Spend 2-3 minutes creating a bulleted list of key features of Project Based Learning
Problem Based Learning Video
Input Process Output Communicator Collaborator Leader Creator Worker Listener Analyzer Problem solver Systems thinker Healthy citizen Technology user Environmental steward Community contributor Labs Practicums Worksheets Adapted from Buck Institute for Education
Continuum of Practice Source: Buck Institute for Education
is organized around an open-ended essential question, problem, or challenge creates a need to know essential content and skills requires inquiry to learn and/or create something new results in a publicly presented product or performance allows student voice and choice requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and other skills Source: Buck Institute for Education
A systematic teaching method that engages students in learning essential knowledge and life-enhancing skills through an extended, student-influenced inquiry process that is structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks (Buck Institute for Education).
Activity Based TeachingProject Based Learning Teacher directedStudent driven Single answerOpen-ended SummativeOn-going ThematicDriving question/challenge FunEngaging Answer givingProblem solving School worldReal world Curricular add-onCurricular focus
21 st Century Skills Your file cabinet Real-world practice Standards Community needs Curriculum materials Current issues & events Student interests EQ Learning Event Idea Adapted from Buck Institute for Education
A uthentic learning experiences? How does the project related to the real world? Does the problem or question have meaning to the students? Who might be appropriate audiences for the students' work? A cademic rigor? What knowledge/central problem or question is addressed by the project? What 21 st Century Skills are being developed? What learning standards are you addressing through this project?
A pplied learning? Which of the competencies expected in high- performance work organizations does the project provide opportunities to develop? Which self-management skills does the project require students to use? A ctive exploration? What activities does the project require students to conduct? Which methods and sources of information are students expected to use in their investigations?
A dult connections? Do students have access to an outside adult with expertise and experience relevant to their project who can ask questions, provide feedback, and offer advice? A ssessment? What are the criteria for measuring desired student outcomes? Which methods of structured self-assessment are students expected to use? Do students receive timely feedback on their works-in- progress? Do students prepare a culminating exhibition or presentation at the completion of the project that demonstrates their ability to apply the knowledge they have gained? Adapted from Steinberg, A. (1997).Real Learning, Real Work
Source: Buck Institute for Education (2003), The PBL Handbook
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Download royalty-free music clips for projects and classroom activities at the VBCPS Instructional Resource Center (IRC) web site at #Soundzaboundhttp:// #Soundzabound or
Review a randomly assigned passage from The PBL Handbook, Chapter 2 When the music starts playing, move/dance around the room looking for a learning partner. When the music stops, pair with a partner, read your passage, and give your thinking about the passage. Listen to your partner talk about his/her passage. When the music starts playing again, boogie on to find another learning partner for another round of discussion. Source:
Project Based LearningProject Based Learning – From YouTube