The Virginia Colony Roanoke & Jamestown
Founding & History of the Virginia Colony Lost Colony of Roanoke – In 1584, Queen Elizabeth gave Sir Walter Raleigh the right to claim lands in North America – Raleigh led an expedition to settle the island of Roanoke off the coast of North Carolina – Failure of the First Attempt All of 100 settlers except 15 men returned to England – Failure of the Second Attempt 15 settlers that remained were dead John White became Governor White left for supplies & returned 3 years later Colony was deserted and he found the word Croatoan on a tree White ordered attack against Powhatan natives but settlers attacked friendly Croatoans English abandoned Roanoke
Founding & History of the Virginia Colony Jamestown Settlement – The Virginia Company of London (joint-stock company) received a charter from King James I to settle in North America – In 1607, settlers sailed up the James River and established Jamestown – Jamestown faced hardships (disease and hunger) but survived due to Captain John Smith’s leadership Required subsistence crops “You don’t work, you don’t eat” Established relationship with Chief Powhatan (received corn from natives) – Captain John Smith left the colony due to injury- relations with natives deteriorated – Marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe improved native relations again
Founders & Important Colonists of the Virginia Colony Sir Walter Raleigh – Led settlers to Roanoke Island with permission of the crown Captain John Smith – Leadership of Smith ensured the survival of the Jamestown Colony John Rolfe – Introduced tobacco to Jamestown and married Pocahontas Pocahontas – Daughter of Chief Powhatan, worked to ensure coexistence of settlers and natives, and married John Rolfe William Berkeley – Early Governor of Virginia Colony
Reasons for the Founding of the Virginia Colony To establish an English presence in the New World In 1606, the Virginia Company petitioned for a charter to form a settlement in North America The businessmen of the Virginia Company wanted to get rich from the New World like the Spanish had by: – Trading – Subjugating the natives and forcing them to provide the English with food, goods, and wealth – Pillaging and Raiding native villages – Growing cash crops and selling them in Europe
The First Charter of the Virginia Colony Date: – April 10, 1606 Between: – King James I of England & – Individual Members of the Virginia Company of London (Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, and others) Grant: – “…Licence, to make Habitation, Plantation, and to deduce a colony of sundry of our People into that part of America commonly called VIRGINIA…”
The Economy, Major Industries & Occupations in the Virginia Colony Agriculture – Tobacco (Major Cash Crop) – Grain – Cattle Fishing Trading – Furs Products – Rum – Furniture
Religion in the Virginia Colony By Law, Settlers in Virginia were English and belonged to the Church of England The Church was supported by taxes paid by all settlers The line was blurred between the religious and civil authorities Virginians were not tolerant of non-Christians
Government in the Virginia Colony England – King James I authorized his agents to govern in Virginia according to the Laws of England and the Charter of the Virginia Company House of Burgesses – The House of Burgesses was created as a representative legislative body in Virginia made up of 22 members: The governor selected by the Company 6 Counselors selected by the Company 15 members selected by colonists – Only wealthy, landowning, white, male colonists helped elect representatives – It was America’s first representative legislature and it continues to this day as the Virginia Assembly In 1624 King James I revoked the Virginia Company Charter and Virginia became a royal English Colony
Major Cities & The Status of Slavery in the Virginia Colony Major Cities in Colonial Virginia: – Jamestown – Williamsburg – Norfolk Status of Slavery in Colonial Virginia – Slavery was legal in Virginia although at first colonists used indentured servants (slaves were three times more expensive) – In 1619, two British ships sold 21 African slaves to the governor of Virginia (first African slaves in North America) – In 1660 as the tobacco industry took hold, farmers required more labor and the more and more African slaves were brought to Virginia
Bibliography (Internet Sources) colonial/ colonial/ p#1 p#1 igionva.cfm igionva.cfm onial.htm onial.htm onial.htm onial.htm