Facilitator/s : Date: Research uptake Research uptake capacity self assessment tool
RU assessment agenda Intro/ purpose PRESENTATION Quick survey INDIVIDUAL What is involved in research uptake? GROUP Process PRESENTATION Quick cut of the cards PAIRS Break Team’s top-line strengths PRESENTATION Group activity/ discussion GROUP Actions / next steps GROUP
Purpose of capacity assessment 1.Opportunity to share learning & experience 2.Assess your capacity for research uptake 3.Identify strengths 4.Identify areas you want to strengthen 5.Provide base for learning throughout a programme 6.Have fun!
Research uptake: What is it?
Quick cut of the cards 1.Statements relating to 4 core capability areas. 2.Statement related to activity, skill or approach 3.May or may not apply to your team or 4.You may not know if your team has the capability 5.Select statements that fit best
Quick cut of the cards 6. You have 15 minutes 7.Some cards request you to write examples 8.Write notes 9.These examples will be shared in group later
Quick cut of the cards YES This statement applies to team. NO This statement doesn’t apply to team DON’T KNOW. DON’T UNDERSTAND
Example capability strengths Strategy AA XXXX 4XX AB X XX2.3XXX Policy BA XXXX 3XX BB XX3.3XXXX BC XX 2.8XX Stakeholders CA XXXXXXX CB XXXX 4XX CC XXX 2.5XXX CD XXXXX 4X Communication DA XXXX DB XX 4.6 XXXX DC XXX1.6 XXX
Team’s aggregated strengths Strategy AA AB Policy BA BB BC Stakeholders CA CB CC CD Communication DA DB DC
Group work 1.Go through each of the core capability areas 2.Briefly describe the example you chose if you feel this is one of your core capability strengths 3.Speakers: Answer core questions 4.Listeners: Listen actively, ask questions.
Examples: Questions to answer Relating to the capability 1.What was done? 2.How/Why was it done? 3.Was their activity effective? 4.Did it contribute to incremental change/ influence / research uptake?
Areas to strengthen
Wrap up / next steps