Sue Hartga, Quality Reviewer OCN Eastern Region Simplifying Standardisation
Aims and Outcomes of the session AIMS To find out what Centres need to do to be compliant How to standardise processes and judgments effectively and enjoyably Identify key topics and opportunities for standardisation OUTCOMES A take away pack of resources A sample checklist to use Identification of gaps and how to plug them Samples at Entry 3
How much to panic Are you doing standardisation already?
Internal standardisation of judgments Why ? To maintain the standard To keep the team’s eye in to level To address particular aspects of assessment which may be causing a problem:- methods of assessment; types of evidence; feedback to learners; variation in practice To get exemplars for consistency To celebrate and share good practice
Working definition ‘…ensuring that, where there is more than one tutor/assessor delivering OCN provision or more than one site, internally set tasks and the outcomes of internal assessment are consistent across the range of courses.’ NOCN Centre Handbook vs 9 December 2011 page 28
Internal standardisation provides: ‘Evidence of consistency and a common understanding of credit value and level. Opportunities for staff to share good practice in assessment, including writing assignment briefs, benchmarking, evidencing, providing feedback to learners and record keeping. Opportunities for self assessment and action planning towards quality improvement.’.
Internal standardisation of judgments What? What’s the risk? New Course or programme? New site? New assessor? Underperforming assessor? Problem with a method of assessment? Problem with type of evidence? Problem with feedback to learners? Problem with a unit or aspect of a unit?
Internal standardisation of judgments Who? Who should be involved? Assessors IVs Peers Learners Colleagues including support workers Others where delivery is off site with instructors or work experience providers
Standardisation meetings ‘…include all tutors and internal verifiers concerned and that action plans are produced and followed up’ ‘Quality Reviewers will ask to see evidence of internal standardisation activity and of how the Centre identifies and disseminates good practice.’ NOCN Centre Handbook vs9 December 2011
Internal standardisation of judgments How, Where and When? All the time? In small chunks through the year? At a distance? At big face to face events? At Learning Review weeks every half term? At Team Meetings? A combination of all or some of these?
Standards Standards Standards QCF Level Descriptor Entry 3 Achievement at Entry 3 reflects the ability to make use of skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out structured tasks and activities in familiar contexts, with appropriate guidance where needed. Use knowledge or understanding to carry out structured tasks and activities in familiar contexts. Know and understand the steps needed to complete structured tasks and activities in familiar contexts. Carry out structured tasks and activities in familiar contexts. Be aware of the consequences of actions for self and others. With appropriate guidance take responsibility for the outcomes of structured activities. Actively participate in activities in familiar contexts
Is it Entry 3? Look at the samples - look at the standards
What we look for in a sample of work Always… include the original unit and additional unit information provide complete work for a unit include clear tracking and recording documentation with clear cross referencing from the assessment plan to the work and vice versa use accessible language in worksheets and when providing feedback employ a variety of evidence and methods where possible avoid over –reliance on worksheets
What we look for in a sample of work Always… avoid over reliance on written responses at E3 where literacy is not being assessed. use clear cross referencing avoid mixing teaching and learning materials with assessment materials. include clear authentication by assessor and learner include correctly applied reasonable adjustments which are clearly authenticated so that there is no doubt about whether it is the student’s own work. authenticate when using an amanuensis ( scribe)
Thank you!