Unit 15 Lights, camera, action! CAN examples practice MUST examples HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: can Past: They couldn’t sleep last night. grammar unit 15 Examples CAN examples Past: They couldn’t sleep last night. Present: They can’t sleep. Past: I could eat it. Present: I can eat it. Past: She couldn’t go. Present: She can’t go. Past: We could see it. Present: We can see it. Past: They couldn’t get married. Present: They can’t get married. practice MUST examples practice HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
he, stay awake (present) I, work with others (past) MODAL VERBS: can grammar unit 15 Practice CAN Make a sentence using can in the correct tense. examples practice Example: MUST examples We couldn’t do our homework. practice we, homework (past) they, arrive (present) she, sing (past) he, stay awake (present) I, work with others (past) you, quiet (present) we, absent (past) HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: must She must talk to her mother-in-law. grammar unit 15 Examples CAN examples She must talk to her mother-in-law. We must buy one of those. He must take notes. They must not do that. I must go home. She must not take the blue one. practice MUST examples practice HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: must Make a sentence using must in the correct tense. grammar unit 15 Practice CAN Make a sentence using must in the correct tense. examples practice Example: MUST examples We must get married. practice we, married they, promise she, take care of he, choose I, take you, make we, buy HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: have to Past: They had to meet the best man last night. grammar unit 15 Examples CAN examples Past: They had to meet the best man last night. Present: They have to meet the best man now. Past: I had to go to Hong Kong. Present: I have to go to Hong Kong. Past: She had to buy the red one. Present: She has to buy the red one. Past: We had to wait for five hours. Present: We have to wait for five hours. Past: They had to get married. Present: They have to get married. practice MUST examples practice HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: have to grammar unit 15 Practice CAN Make a sentence using have to in the correct tense. examples practice Example: MUST examples We had to ride the train. practice we, ride (past) they, come (present) she, pay (past) he, become (present) I, pay (past) you, sleep (present) we, get ready (past) HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
MODAL VERBS: be able to grammar unit 15 Examples CAN examples Past: They were able to leave early last night. Future: They will be able to leave early tonight. Past: I wasn’t able to see my mother. Future : I won’t be able to see my mother. Past: She was able to buy tickets. Future : She will be able to buy tickets. Past: We weren’t able to climb the mountain. Future : We won’t be able to climb the mountain. Past: They were able to cancel the tickets. Future : They won’t be able to cancel the tickets. practice MUST examples practice HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice
you, stay awake (future) MODAL VERBS: be able to grammar unit 15 Practice CAN Make a sentence using be able to in the correct tense. examples practice Example: MUST examples We were able to buy tickets. practice we, tickets (past) they, talk (future) she, eat (past) he, buy (future) I, go out (past) you, stay awake (future) we, forget (past) HAVE TO examples practice BE ABLE TO examples practice