Mrs. Ford’s 2 nd Grade Classroom
Telia Ford Room 9
I plan on sending a newsletter home every Friday. This newsletter will include information about what students have worked on all week, as well as any upcoming events. I also plan on sending home individual snippets to each family about how your student has performed during the week.
9:30 – Entry 9:50 – Math Workshop 10:30 – Math 11:30 – Snack/Recess 11:45 – Literacy Intervention 12:25 – Lunch/Recess 1:05 – Literacy 2:10 – Literacy Workshop 2:40 – Writing/Art/Social Studies 3:00 – Specialist 3:40 – Jobs and Debrief on our day 3:50 – Bye!
Attendance is crucial to success in the classroom. Please ensure that absences and tardies are kept to a minimum. If a student is absent, I will put any work that they missed in their cubby to be brought home. Please have the student complete and return this work, so I can ensure they are keeping up. If you know in advance that a student will be absent, please come to the school office and request a leave slip. I will then put together any work that will be missed.
Homework packets will come home every Friday. Typically, homework packets will include a few math practice sheets, and a reading log. It is very important to read with your child every night. Your child should do most of the reading, but listening to an adult is a wonderful way for a child to hear quality reading, too. Math Homework: These pages will be comprised of lessons that were taught that week in class. Pages should look familiar to students, and they should be comfortable completing them, based on practice during school. If there are any questions about how to complete the pages, please let me know! Reading Log: The front page of the homework will have a location for students to write the title of the books they have read, the amount of time spent, and a parent initial.
In my classroom, students will earn “leader tickets” for positive behaviors. These leader tickets will be tracked daily, and added to our classroom tub at the end of the week. On an average week, students can expect to earn tickets. For 25 tickets, students will be able to buy a prize from my treasure chest. When the class tub of tickets is full, the students will earn a class party. Parties are typically along the lines of pajama day or bring a stuffed animal to school. Classroom Promise Students are still refining our classroom promise to each other, but the main points that they have come up with are as follows: Be kind Listen to others Encourage each other Work hard Be a problem solver
Students have a late lunch this year, so we have planned for students to have a snack in the morning, right before 1 st recess. Students are encouraged to bring a small, healthy snack each day. I would also appreciate donations of a “class” snack, in the event that a student forgets to bring one, or a family is unable to provide snacks for their child. Your kindness and generosity are appreciated! Birthday snacks are welcome! Please have them to school before lunch time. If you child has any dietary needs that I should know about, please contact me! Snacks