Mech Tower Defence pitch By Ryan Thompson
Project outline - synopsis I am going to be making a Mech tower defense game where the mechs will be out to destroy humanity, it is your job to stop them from doing so, by building towers each tower will have different strengths and weaknesses, and you have to make sure that each tower is covering each of the weaknesses and that will hopefully stop the mechs. Unfortunately the mechs will start to adapt and this will require you to start to upgrade the towers that are already built in order to beat the new waves of mechs, the mechs are very adaptive, you will unlock stronger towers and upgrades to eventually crush the Mech Overlord which has ultimate control over all of the mechs.
Concept The reason that I am making a tower defence is because I have played other tower defence games and PC games that have mechs in them, for example “supreme commander, supreme commander: forged alliance, supreme commander 2, command and conquer 3 Tiberium wars, command and conquer 3 kane’s wrath) these games have mechs in them, and they do look very detailed indeed.
Gameplay The gameplay is going to be like all the other tower defense games but the only difference is that the enemy is mechanized and controlled by a mech overlord which will be the final boss there will be small bosses leading to the mech overlord. on the web version it will be the mouse that will be the main control type as there will be no use of the keyboard at all while playing, with the android and ios versions it will be a lot of tapping to place the towers in order to destroy the mechs. hopefully i can get my game onto the windows store, for windows 8 and above as well as the windows phone and windows surface
Platform I am hoping to have the working version of the game on the web and the app store (Android and Apple) as it will be these platforms that are going to be my focus when i have released and got it uploaded to the respective areas for the target audience can start playing it. hopefully in the future i can expand to other platforms as this will help reach more of the target audience i will be releasing it for.
Business model it is going to be digital as it will be on the google play store and the apple app store and it will be on the web and i hope to get it on to the windows app store for those that have windows 8 and above, the windows surface and the windows phone as this will allow me to engage more of the intended target audience. as i hope that it has the replay factor i hope to incorporate within the game.
Inspiration i have played other tower defense games and i wanted to add another one to the genre as it has quite a good amount of replay quality that if you fail on a particular level you can keep playing till you find the stratagy that will help you beat the level that you are stuck on which factors in the win/loss ratio on that level.
Genre it is a tower defense game which means you have to build towers in order to beat waves of enemies in order to beat the level but as you progress through the levels there will be more enemy waves which will make the levels harder making you have to think more stratigically on how to beat the level.
Target audience The target audience will be teenagers due to the pegi rating as there will be mild violence as well as a little bit of foul language the reason for the mild violence is because there will be a lot of explosions and this will induce photosensitive epilepsy
USP (unique selling point) it is because the enemy and towers are mechanized and that the enemy will be hovering through the level and this will make thinking strategically a really good aspect of the game and makes it very adaptive while playing because harder levels will require you to think more.
Thanks for listening. Any questions.