Ryan Boland
To equip health and physical education teachers with technological resources to help students in skill development, to reinforce understanding of subject matter, and create an engaging learning environment.
Easy access to different resources Internet, worksheets, lesson plans, etc. Availability of pictures and video on the spot Show students how to correctly perform a skill Easy to transport Weight Paperless
Available on Starts at $ (depends on size)
Uses music already downloaded to your iPhone or iPad Perfect for teachers when using stations Sets time for activity and rest Different settings for music or tones Can save for specific days Fun for students
Available on iTunes or App Store on your phone $0.99
Contains over 100 games Can search for games in different ways Alphabetically Categories (group, chasing, etc.) Equipment or Area available Randomize Add your own games to create a bigger library
Available on iTunes or App Store on your phone FREE 2.0 version available for $0.99
Integrates video into classroom Communication Visual support for evaluation and comments Analysis Breakdown skills and compare/contrast techniques Sharing Knowledge Interactive documents or share with school
Available on $1,000.00
Grades 3-7 Interactive software that lets students explore Covers body systems, health education topics, and FAQ about the human body Features like pop-up definitions. Teachers can control a student’s access Different levels of difficulty
Available at FREE ($5.95 for S & H)
Unlimited uses of technology for the health and physical education classroom Can be inexpensive Can create a fun learning atmosphere Beneficial to both student and teacher