Unit Plan for Crash written by Jerry Spinelli 5 th Grade Title 1 Improve student’s comprehension strategies through reading, listening, speaking and viewing. Improve student’s comprehension strategies through reading, listening, speaking and viewing. Shirleen MacKenzie Early and Middle Childhood Literacy: Reading-Language Arts Entry 3
BIG IDEAS Authors often provide insights about human experiences through fiction. Authors often provide insights about human experiences through fiction. Everybody is entitled to an opinion about what text means, but the text supports some interpretations more than others. Everybody is entitled to an opinion about what text means, but the text supports some interpretations more than others. Might does not make right. Might does not make right.
Differentiated Instruction Although all my students are identified as “at risk” there are still learning differences among them. For example; reading fluency, academic language, written work, etc. Although all my students are identified as “at risk” there are still learning differences among them. For example; reading fluency, academic language, written work, etc. My unit plan reflects a variety of methods, learning activities, assessments and student products to address the learning styles of my students allowing for differentiation. My unit plan reflects a variety of methods, learning activities, assessments and student products to address the learning styles of my students allowing for differentiation. I have selected learning goals and instruction that is of interest to my students and is within their ZPD. When constructing group or partner work I have considered the strengths of individual students as well as the cohesiveness of the group. I have selected learning goals and instruction that is of interest to my students and is within their ZPD. When constructing group or partner work I have considered the strengths of individual students as well as the cohesiveness of the group. Throughout this unit I will consistently monitor my students progress and reflect on the effectiveness of instruction making adjustments as needs. Throughout this unit I will consistently monitor my students progress and reflect on the effectiveness of instruction making adjustments as needs.
Core proposition #2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. In this unit students develop insights into the social, cultural, ethical and physical world in which they live through analysis of the book Crash, personnel experiences and other sources of information which relate to bullying and self reflection. In this unit students develop insights into the social, cultural, ethical and physical world in which they live through analysis of the book Crash, personnel experiences and other sources of information which relate to bullying and self reflection. Through consideration of individual students and my classroom community profile I carefully selected instructional techniques designed to address student needs. My command of pedagogical content knowledge is evident in my unit design and adherence to appropriate learning goals. Through consideration of individual students and my classroom community profile I carefully selected instructional techniques designed to address student needs. My command of pedagogical content knowledge is evident in my unit design and adherence to appropriate learning goals. By addressing memory, analytical and practical learning styles I have created activities and learning opportunities that address multiple paths to acquire knowledge. By addressing memory, analytical and practical learning styles I have created activities and learning opportunities that address multiple paths to acquire knowledge.