1 Beyond Content Packaging: LETSI’s Open Learning Architecture Avron Barr letsi.org LETSI is an international non-profit federation committed to open standards for elearning systems. 14 February 2010 Revised 19 February 2010
LMS 2 Beyond Content Packaging Authoring Environment Today Export Universal Content Package Import Universal Content Package Universal Rendering Engine Tomorrow Authoring Environment Content- Specific Rendering Engine Student Management Applications Why? Universal engine reflects the lowest common denominator in elearning content. Even so, it is a still a problem to render content consistently in each LMS. Content publishers want to offer a variety of online learning activities and tools for teachers. Authentication, entitlements, scheduling, performance reporting, record keeping, etc. can be handled through web services calls to local systems or web apps. Some students don’t have an LMS.
3 Location of Rendering Engine Authoring Environment Rendering Engine Student LMS Authoring Environment Rendering Engine Student LMS Authoring Environment Student LMSRendering Engine Hosted by Authoring System Stand Alone Website Embedded in LMS
44 Conventional Elearning Student-driven Multimedia Quizzes, branching Immersive Environments Games, Sims, Virtual Worlds Explore, rehearse, assess Team scheduling Collaboration, social learning Problem-based learning Intelligent Tutoring Systems Incorporate domain expertise Model human tutor/coach Individualized instruction Online Learning Activities Instrumented for interaction, observation, and performance reporting 1 Student Records Enrollments Access control Content Management Content import Search, preview Entitlements, subscriptions, billing Session Management Authentication Access control, entitlement Activity launch Performance records Observe/coach/participate Tools for Teachers, Tutors & Parents Repositories, aggregators Search, preview, tag, recommend Lesson planning, student assignments Authoring, sharing Progress tracking, grade books Realtime monitor/coach Student profile Preferences Active data Institutional Learning Management Systems Competency Frameworks Learning objectives Content relevance, prerequisites Curriculum norms Job requirements Administration Course usage, evaluation Institutional & jurisdictional competency frameworks Regulatory compliance Purchasing, contract management Local Content Players Tools for Students Identity management, enrollments Session management Team scheduling Search, preview Assignments Collaboration, call back Mobile Learning iPhone Apps Team activities Augmented reality training and performance support Tools for Designers, Publishers, Reviewers, Planners, Researchers, and Policy Makers
5 Services - Student Learning Session Student ID, Profile Data Personal entitlements URIs for institution(s), records History, status Learning objectives, Assignments Learning style, preferences Account Authentication Personal, institutional, or government accounts Entitlements Learning Activity Delivery Activity selection, payment negotiation Initialization Interaction with student during session Teacher observation Terminate, resume Instrumented to record educationally relevant data and report if required. Student Session Management Scheduling Access Control, Authentication Activity selection Reporting to student & teacher records Reporting to institutional records (usage, billing info, student ratings,...
6 Services - Teacher Lesson Planning Teacher’s Profile Personal preferences File cabinet URIs for institution(s), associations, aggregation sites Class rosters, grade books Account Authentication Commercial, institutional, or government accounts Entitlements URIs for available resources, catalogs URIs for competency frameworks, like state curriculum standards or job requirements Activity Delivery Initialization Intra-activity interaction with teacher Collaboration Terminate, resume Open, save, import, export of class lists, grade books, lesson plans, moodle sections, etc. Teacher Session Initiation & Management Access Control, Authentication Activity selection Payment negotiation
7 Next Steps 7 Identify an initial set of web services that constitute a working core. Prioritize based on use case priority. Define an initial, focused project that exercises this initial core. The project must have implementer support. Find existing open specs that can be adapted. Develop new, learning-specific specs as needed. 14 February 2010 Identify an initial set of web services that constitute a working core. Prioritize based on use case priority. Define an initial, focused project that exercises this initial core. The project must have implementer support. Find existing open specs that can be adapted. Develop new, learning-specific specs as needed. 14 February 2010
8 Hosted Learning Scenario Student Content Management Content Delivery Engines Hosted Learning Activities LMS Login - Authentication Session Management Grade Book Record Keeping Entitlement Management Publisher’s Site Contract Management Added 19 February 2010
9 Hosted Learning Scenario Student Content Management Content Delivery Engines Hosted Learning Activities LMS Login - Authentication Session Management Grade Book Record Keeping Entitlement Management Publisher’s Site Contract Management Jim Farmer, 21 February 2010 Academic Progress Learning Plan
Prepared by Avron Barr With contributions from many LETSI participants and other interested contributors. This is a work in progress and changes should be expected as the conversation continues. With contributions from many LETSI participants and other interested contributors. This is a work in progress and changes should be expected as the conversation continues. 10 Editor’s note Added 21 February 2010 by Jim Farmer