Blood vessels
Major arteries of systemic circulation Aorta ascending aorta Aortic arch Descending aorta (thoracic and abdominal aorta)
Arterial branches of ascending aorta Arterial branches of ascending aorta Right and left coronary arteries
Arterial branches of aortic arch Brachiocephalic artery Rt.common carotid Rt.subclavian Left common carotid artery Lt.internal carotid Lt.external carotid
Left sublavian artery (it’s branches vertebral artery) Left sublavian artery continues as axillary artery,brachial then the bracial artery divides into radial and ulnar.
Descending aorta (thoracic and abdominal aorta)
Arterial branches of thoracic aorta Intercostal arteries Bronchial Esophageal phrenic
Arterial branches of abdominal aorta Celiac trunk left gastric Splenic Common hepatic Superior mesentric Renal gonadal
Lumbar Inferior mesentric Common iliac Internal iliac external iliac continues as femoral (it’s branches deep femoral artery) then popliteal divides into anterior And posterior tibial the anterior tibial terminates in the dorsalis pedis
Major veins Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava
Veins drains into S.V.C Deep viens Radial and ulnar veins join to form the brachial vein Then the brachial continues as axillary, subclavian vein. Then the subclavian vein joins the external jugular vien to drain into Brachiocephalic vein
Rt. and Lt. Brachiocephalic and azygos veins drain directly into S.V.C.
Superficial viens (cephalic, basilic,median cubital vein) Cephalic drains into axillary vein Basilic vein drains into brachial vein Cephalic and basilic vein are joined by median cubital vein
Veins drains into I.V.C Deep veins Anterior and posterior tibial And fibular vein Posterior tibial continues as popliteal, femoral, external iliac vein Then the external iliac join the internal iliac veins drain into Common iliac vein
Gonadal veins Renal veins Hepatic vein Superficial veins Great saphenous vein drains into femoral vein